Gute Horrorfilme ab 12?
Hey, ich wurde auf die Geburtstagsfeier einer Freundin eingeladen, und sie hat eine Übernachtung geplant. Wir wollten eigentlich einen Horrorfilm anschauen, aber eine Freundin von ihr ist erst 11. Deshalb wollte ich fragen, ob ihr Empfehlungen habt
I recommend the films of Tim Burton. I think they are best:
Pairs of them are not really horror films but Tim Burton films are actually always very gloomy and give an uncomfortable feeling.
I also recommend:
All films are not really creepy because 12 is still relatively young. If you want to watch a real horror movie, you have to watch one from 16 on.
Have fun
ELI – exclusively on Netflix 🙂
Tucker and Dale vs Evil. (Accommodates from 16. Sorry)
It’s 16!
Come on, this is a comedy. Funny
Nerd says not look. And I don’t want you to be disturbed after that. But at the right age, you should see it. He’s funny, but he’s brutal.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oooookay then not Tucker and Dale vs Evil. Bomb is still the movie 😄
Yes funny when a child looks like someone is crushed by a chopper
The Orphanage (The orphanage)
Beetlejuice – classic!
blaire witch project – also classic
the exorcism of emily rose – classic
the boy I&II
dark shadows – but is a horror comedy…
The Visit
Goose skin
It? The is eig zero creepy but yes haha
The blair witch project