Gute Festplatten Clone Station?
ich suche ein Produkt, mit dem man Festplatten kopieren kann. Es sollte nur Möglich sein, eine größere Festplatte (in meinem Fall 1TB) auf eine kleinere zu übertragen (240GB). Effektiv bei der HDD werden allerdings nur circa 100GB ausgenutzt.
Außerdem gibt es mehrere Partitionen. Könntet ihr mir da was empfehlen?
It won’t work like that. Conversely, 240GB to 1TB already.
You need to reduce and move the partitions first. Then you can clone the HDD.
So I would have to create the partitions on the new hard drive manually, right?
No. Partitions are stored in the MBR. This is the first sector of the plate. The newer version is GTP, here there is an entry for a partition in the MBR and refers to GPT.
GPT itself stores partitions in the first sectors and in the last sectors. There’s also the problem…
If you have a GPT partition table, you can only manually play the backup to the last sectors. e.g. with a Hex editor.
If you only have the MBR Schema then you can also clone from the big to the small plate. The problem is that the partitions are always specified with a start-LBA and end-LBA.
If you don’t adapt all this to the smaller plate, the system would believe to have 1TB storage space available and thus it would write in areas or try to read from those that don’t exist.
The plate would therefore not be usable because it would hail up mistakes!
So reduce the entire partitions to fit and look at how your hard drive is partitioned. with HxD. So sector 0 and 1 would look if you used GPT:
Sector 1 begins with “EFI PART”.
To do this, start HxD as an admin and select the Open Disk Point in the menu bar.