Gute Erstautos unter 10k (Schweiz)?
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem guten Erstauto unter 10500 CHF. Am besten eines das man hier finden kann:
Wichtig ist: Ab MFK, wenig bis mittlerer Verbrauch und nicht zu alt
Auch gerne Begründen warum ihr dieses Auto wählen würdet! Danke für alle Antworten!
There is no car that was built to own it as a first vehicle. What characteristics should it have that it differs from vehicles that are bought as 2nd or 3rd vehicle?
What does ‘from MFK?
What does ‘less to medium consumption’ mean?
What does ‘not too old’ mean?
from MFK: Should a current motor vehicle control have already had
Consumption: The car should not consume too much fuel vlt so 5-8L/100km?
Not too old: Not older than 2000
So new control, consumption max. 8l petrol or diesel, from Bj 2000. Why don’t you enter this information in the search mask?
It’s more about someone telling me why they’d take this car.
It should be good to look at.
You must like car, here you can only guess or guess.
He’s not in there for a long time.
Thanks for the answer, UPs are not mine.
Good luck looking.
Not too old would be with me as from 1990. Too old for you.
If it can scratch the 10 years, I would recommend a Honda Accord. Very good car with good engines and rich equipment(for TypeS and Executive). Hardly trouble and look good.