Gute Entscheidung oder unnötig?

Viele kaufen Uhren wie Rolex mit einem Wert von über 40k Euros ja als Wertanlagen. Meine Frage wäre ob das auch eine gute Idee wäre, bei Uhren die um die 8k€ kosten. Die Uhr die ich meine ist von Omega, können solche Uhren auch ihren Wert halten und sogar steigen oder wäre es „unnötig“ so eine Uhr zu kaufen, abgesehen vom tragen her?

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11 months ago

That’s a niche market, and whoever doesn’t know should leave his fingers.

11 months ago
Reply to  sebastianzz16

it would be important that it does not significantly reduce the price and I can sell the clock after a few years.

So you should know… I told you!

Without value added, the system is pointless. Do you just want to look at them and sell them back at the same price?

11 months ago

Can’t call me a few more names. Got a Citizen for 245€. It’s enough for me and I’m not gonna sell it again.

11 months ago

Needless and risky.

11 months ago

The great hype of Rolex is over.
Many models are now close to the LP and when the new production plant starts in 2029, we are flooded with Rolex watches. What would have been a drop in the price.
Rolex is strictly a mass product in the world of luxury watch manufacturers.

The least Omega watches have an increase in value. Here you will have as good as ever a slight loss (depending on the model).

Of course there are watches that you can make super money, but they are impossible for the normal customer to get.

11 months ago
Reply to  sebastianzz16

This happens at the least watches.

If you take e.g. a Seamaster, it falls, but it gets rid of it as well as it is a sought-after model.