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Ich brauche Vorschläge für Namen für eine Buchfigur. Die Figur kommt aus Amerika und ist männlich. Am Namen sollte etwas ungewöhnlich/seltsam sein.
trafen sich alle drei stände im ballhaus schwur?
bei google steht nur die dritten aber in meinem geschi buch iwie alle drei stände
Wieso geht man nicht einfach so in die Cheops Pyramide rein oder bohrt dort ein loch?
Hallo leute ich wollte wissen warum man nicht einfach so in die Cheops Pyramide reingehen kann oder dort ein loch bohren kann um rein zu kommen so schwer muss es ja nicht sein oder versteh ich was falsch?
Darf man eine eigene Schriftart…?
in seinem eigenen Buch zum veröffentlichen verwenden? Oder nur für Private Zwecke?
I like the popular scientific book series by Will & Ariel Durant: “Cultural History of Humanity”.
I especially like James A. Michener on novels. He has written well-researched historical novels about many states in the world.
Excitingly written are the works of Gillian Bradshaw. The author is too wrong not as well known as it should be.
If you like criminals who play in the Middle Ages, I recommend Ellis Peter’s series on brother Cadfeal. The series was also filmed. But I only know the books.
If the criminals play in the Roman Empire, then the series “SPQR” by John Maddox Roberts is a must.
Ken Follett and Rebecca Gablé also write very exciting.
Thank you for the star.
For German history in the previous century I find the youth novels of Klaus Kordon good. The novels by Peter Prange, which are thick but easy to read.
Historical novels certainly do not replace textbooks and are fictional stories. But you can reasonably convey a credible feeling of the life situation of the people at the time, are entertaining and interesting.
A higher duty
The adventures of Werner Holt
I was Hitler’s boy Salomon
The history novels of Lion Feuchtwanger. Maintenance and the social outer area is also described. In “Goya”, for example, the Spanish city society is described, the men the Majos (Machos), who were dressed like today the Toreros and the female Majas, which must be imagined as the tourist flamencot dancers. Each Majo has a knife and a lover who is gifted and who gets a scar on the face with the knife and the gifts are removed again when she was unfaithful. The wife’s gonna be ripped off with infidelity.
Roman Rausch – Bomb Night
(ISBN: 9783944359656)
Sounds a lot of promise.
Look if you might get stuck here, I’m not a reader’s breath.
My preferred historian is the Swiss Aram Mattioli. I have read his book “Experimental Field of Violence” several times.
I can recommend from daniel wolf the fleury series and friesensaga