Gute, bezahlbare E-Autos?

Hallo. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem gut ausgestatteten, gut aussehenden und gut bezahlbaren Elektro Auto. Es sollten am besten 4 Plätze vorhanden sein. Ich denke, dass mein Budget von ca. 15.000 bis 20.000 reicht + das E-Auto Förderungsgeld vom Staat, was 9000€ beträgt. Wären also insgesamt 24.000 – 29.000 Budget.

Gibt es hier Auto Experten, die mir gute Autos empfehlen können, die das Geld absolut wert sind, sodass ich auch das beste für den Preis bekomme.

Ich bedanke mich schonmal im Vorraus.


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3 years ago

mloeffler has already explained the problem comprehensively.

That’s why I’m short – that’s not gonna happen.
At least not as a new car. There could be a used smart or Zoe for it.

3 years ago

Maybe the new Opel Corsa as an e-car would be something for you.

3 years ago

If 4 seats and good equipment are your main requirement (Objection is taste) then you should try to get an EUp!

The arrival is, however, the main problem with most new cars.

As far as your budget is concerned, you should take into account that you have to pay the car up to 3,000,- €, the manufacturer’s share of 9,000,-€. The 6,000,- from the state You only when the car is approved. The payout is currently only approx. 6 weeks that can also be different last year one has waited about 6 months.

Another problem can be that the premium is only decided by December. The vehicle must therefore be approved by then.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hasso233

Allowing only takes a few minutes. You have to find a car what is available.

To be sure, the car must be delivered and approved this year.

But I’m not a prophet. By the change of the year, a lot can be done politically. If you’re buying a car from the farm, you’re safe.

On my last eUp! I’ve been waiting for 13 months. At the moment you have to ask the VW dealer.

3 years ago

The Opel Corsa-e is very popular in Germany and on the basis it fits into the budget with the house prices of the car houses (with discounts):

Test report:

Manufacturer page:

Alternatively, the Peugeot e208, which has the same technology but different design, both are suitable for up to 120km without charging at the target, with charging stop at the target, the up to 240km can come far without interloading :

Test report:

Manufacturer page:

Or these two when it comes mainly to money and you are doing short distances (up to 60km without or up to 120km with charging at the destination):

Renault Twingo E-Tech:

Test report:

Manufacturer page:

Or the most favorable current of the Dacia Spring Electric:

Test report:

Manufacturer page:

3 years ago

The Russian zetta costs only 6300 euros – but is rather a flop.
A good electric car is the Mahindra e2o for 16,000 euros as a new car.