Gute Autos für Fahranfänger für etwa 1000 Euro?
Bin Student, daher kann ich mir kein teures Auto leisten.
Gibt mir mal bitte ein paar Vorschläge welche Autos man sich für 1000 Euro holen könnte.
Bin Student, daher kann ich mir kein teures Auto leisten.
Gibt mir mal bitte ein paar Vorschläge welche Autos man sich für 1000 Euro holen könnte.
Im Vertrag war ausgemacht: Zustellung der Versicherungsrechnung per Post, ich wurde ohne Info auf digital umgestellt. Nachdem nichts kam habe ich 2023 schon nachgefragt, meine Anfrage zwecks “Wann kommt die Rechnung habe noch nicht erhalten” blieb ohne Reaktion. jegliche andere kommunikation funktioniert. Jetzt das erwachen – beitragserhöhung um knapp 90 euro. Kann man da was…
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Hallo, ist ein Gebrauchtwagen, welches beim Händler seit 6 Monaten steht, ein erhöhtes Riskio? Kann in der Zeit schon etwas kaputt gehen und was muss man alles beachten? Es ist ein Opel, welches 9 Jahre alt ist. LG
Hey ich habe mir gerade einen Nissan 200sx s13 angeschaut und gesehen dass etwas beschädigt ist. Es ist das Teil das im Foto rot durchgestrichen ist. Kann mir da wer weiterhelfen. Und ist es wichtig? Danke für alle Antworten!
It’s not easy, but you’ll find something if you’re looking for and know what to look for: if you buy Opas 25 years old Golf III, Opel Vectra, etc. for 1000 to 1500 euros, it’s certainly better and you’ll be able to drive relatively quiet longer than if you buy an old BMW or similar for the same money or some dubious box with four, five previous owners and high running performance and soon running TÜV.
As I said, there is always something like that, but then you have to compromise and should not put a value on the brand – you either drive an old car in the actual sense or a ramped vehicle that is not visually beautiful or any vehicle that just drives and otherwise does not do much. You will probably land for 1000 Euros in the VW Golf III, Opel Astra-F, Ford Fiesta, Escort or Mondeo of the late 90s or in an old Audi, possibly still in a rusted, but technically solid old Mercedes … or have the chance to find an exotic that is really good – I have recently seen a Citroen ZX of approx. In 1995, which went well below 100,000, first hand with a checkbook, and less than 1000 euros with two years of TÜV cost – no beauty, but a solid car for little money. Even old Mitsubishis (Lancer, etc.) or Nissans (Primera, Almera) from the end of the 90s you get back and again in a bad condition because they are completely uninteresting and nobody wants to have that.
I would only search in the price class “Rentnerautos” which had it relatively good; Brand and type should be very important. Cheap cars must, as I said (I have an Audi 80 for 800 Euros, even from the first hand of the 1930-born pensioner with a checkbook – in the country you find something like a coincidence in the acquaintance) not be wrong – they may be uncool, but if you do it right, it can work.
Small car with about 180.000km and about 20 years old or hoping for a used bargain of private and bring a knowledgeable friend.
For 1000€ you get as good as nothing. Search for the fish or exporter in the last corner. You’ll have to invest money.
Go to Mobile, add 1350€ as maximum and add that the car should have Tüv. Enter a circle and see what there is.
Scratches, dents, downcasts are normal. Look for a European car because it doesn’t matter if it’s broken. Look that you’ll get some spare parts for trouble.
You’re lucky.
Either you get an old grandpa car from private or just junk. No dealer sells cars for the money. He’s got to make a warrant, and he’s got to put more in there as the profit would have been.
There is no vehicle type “starter car” and there is nothing good for 1,000 €.
At the dealer with warranty: NO
From private without warranty: you find something but there is a certain risk usually the cars then have deficiencies and you stay at the expense.
In addition, you should have some money by side for repairs and not buy the car with the last money.
I’ll tell you, you won’t find anything good.
Either you put some money on it or leave it with the car first.
For $1,000, you won’t get a smart car at the current market. The double must be at least.
For 1000€ there are currently no good cars, usually not even ready to drive
The market is broken for the money you get a car which is ripe for the scrap press
1000 Euros.