Gute Amerikanische “Old School” Muscle Cars für den Alltag?
ich bin seit einiger Zeit auf der Suche nach einem alltags tauglichen Amerikanischen Oldie. Es soll in Richtung Mustang gehen, sollte aber nicht so teuer sein. Ich kann selber schrauben, Preis sollte unter 10k liegen (gerne auch deutlich niedriger ;))
Ich erwarte keine Voll restaurierten Fahrzeuge für dein Preis – ich denke das sollte klar sein.
Hat jemand eine Idee was für Autos da in Frage kommen könnten?
For 10000, you’ll get a junk car that’s still driving like that, but the next TÜV is over. From consumption, you can be happy with the old Ami V8 if there is no 2 in front. The engines have been developed when the gasoline was extremely cheap, because the consumption was absolutely irrelevant. Next comes the problem with the spare parts supply. You’ve got to find a workshop that’s going on such cars because you almost always have inch screws, that means you need special tools. Finding spare parts at all is also very difficult and expensive, as almost everything has to be imported from the USA. Therefore, you also have many crafted cars, where just something else has been installed and then nobody can guarantee that the original parts fit at all.
If you want to get a car like this, you can plan at least 30000€ for the purchase and again as much as a reserve if something is with the car.
For 10k, you don’t get nix and a muscle car twice, especially as due to their extreme consumption and their sloppy running gear nix for everyday life are 😅
You sure about that?
R & D
Most vehicles in the link do not correspond to what one understands as a classic muscle car. And those who fall under it are scraped. The reconstruction of the carts costs several 10000€.
Is not a single car falling under the name Muscle Car, only old Amis
What would be an appropriate budget in your eyes? With 12 liters of consumption I could live well;)
I realize it’s more expensive than driving a VW golf.
… for 12 liters of consumption can buy a Opel Record 2.0 S…. but call old US V8 with carburetor? …. only in a dream
12 liters in a large volume old V8?!
You might be able to count on something about the 20 liters if you don’t have 80 on the highway behind nem truck 😂
costs 11k, less than 20 litres. I notice, wrong forum 🙂
I’m going to look around for appropriate forums…
This has less to do with false forums, but rather with your unrealistic ideas. For 10 notes, you only get scrap and/or large-scale construction sites, where you have to put the double in again. That’s what the members in special US Car forums will tell you, you just don’t want to hear it or have it true. And the mustang shown in the link is a 4L V8 with a good 200hp. He’s like a pot of glue. You must not think that 200hp from 1969 will be as good as 200hp today. The engines are much wearer and more difficult in the standard state. They are more intended for comfortable cruises than for acceleries. The suspensions are actually only good for straight ahead, because they were designed only for comfort and are not suitable for fast cornering and are accordingly soft and sponge.
The car has not yet been approved for the German StVO and has to be rebuilt accordingly, has no TÜV and is also not a Muscle Car, that was only the one with the greatest possible motorization and that is still far away! These were the 5,8l, 6,4l or 7l V8 engines in the year of manufacture, but this is a mustang but not a muscle car!
Then you understood what was wrong about the term “Muscle Car”…
Didn’t anyone say it’s gonna be fast. It was about everyday fitness and ami. A 200hp cruiser is enough – I think:)
Pontiac Firebird: Am i joke to you??
You don’t get your “good” Old School American Dream for 10K. Even if these are not good Americans, lots of rust, many kilometers on ́m tacho, electrical problems etc
There is no ami under 10k that comes in a halfway good one? I dare to doubt that…
…ooh answered your question yourself…
What do you mean?
Pontiac Firebird, Dodge Challenger, Chevrolet Camaro…
For the price a Dodge Challenger?
Dodge Challenger?
As a V8 of 69? Not under 30k!
You’ll get the highest of this.
For V8 Oldies starting at 30,000
Chrysler’s business:
They’re not Muscle Cars.
If there’s 250 hp, that’s something. It doesn’t matter how you call it.
Well, excuse me.
So a Golf GTI is also a Muscle Car? In addition, the questioner did not ask for ugly 90s scrap cart, but for classics.