Gutbezahlte Karrieren?
Was sind Karrieren die man unbedingt anstreben sollte wenn einem finanzielle Sicherheit wichtig ist? Was sind so die best bezahlten Karrierepfade die man nur so wählen kann?
Welche sollte man besser vermeiden?
Was sind Karrieren die man unbedingt anstreben sollte wenn einem finanzielle Sicherheit wichtig ist? Was sind so die best bezahlten Karrierepfade die man nur so wählen kann?
Welche sollte man besser vermeiden?
zb mit Anfang 30 noch in Pension gehen und ohne Dienst Geld verdienen
Hallo, bin nun Nebenberuflich als Foto- und Videograf tätig, außerdem kümmere ich mich um das design und anschaffung von Druck- und Werbemedien. Wie bekomme ich hier nun am besten Firmen als Kunden? Ich würde Flyer und Visitenkarten drucken, soll ich mich einfach per Mail an die Firmen wenden? Vielleicht mit ein paar Bildern und Videos….
Es heißt jedes Mal: Fang erst gar nicht damit an Klappt doch eh nicht Reich werden geht so schnell nicht Und so weiter Ich verstehe aber nicht, wer denn sagt das man gleich auf den nächsten Morgen plötzlich Multimillionär ist? Leute stehen einfach viel zu negativ dazu. Etwas selber mal zu versuchen, zu recherchieren, sich…
kann man bei fremden wohnen oder so?
Well, you can googlen what best paid jobs are there you see it
But they are usually so well paid because you need not only education but also talent and above all ambition
A job just because of the money does not succeed if you do something that lies to you, you can do well and you can get it far
Why don’t you think you can’t learn everything?
In principle, it is possible to be really good and successful it needs more
Also I give you quite but it falls lighter if you like it and then you’ll be more comfortable
By the way, it can’t always be fun in life…
Avoid trades in retail, usually do not have very good pay and also very low chances of rising
If you don’t have a qualification, leave it with business professionals. The competition is now huge. Better go to a big industry, do your training and look that you will then continue in a certain direction (masters, technicians or in-house training)
It’s not that logical. Because it is also an economy of oriented profession. Well, in the economy there are very well paid jobs and less well paid.
Why do you all say to follow dream job
No one said this
Why do you all say you’re supposed to follow dream job? I don’t have a dream job
Well, not overdramatize.
Work first my boy, then we’ll talk further
Unfortunately, no bills are paid.
Well, before you can make demands, you have to prove what you can.
And if you have a highly paid senior job, you will hardly have time to spend your money 🤣. If you just fall into bed after work, you will think differently
I didn’t write anything to make a job fun.
But that is also important. Work a few years and you see that differently.
You’ve usually earned enough money. But what can I never afford?
Well, this view changes over the course of life at most when they are older and have more professional experience.
I think you should work for money and status, not for fun
Do the job you want. Looking for a job where you want more money doesn’t get you overhauot
We don’t live according to the principle of pleasure.
So you can’t keep your attitude to professional life. You think you’re doing something, and the money just falls out of heaven? In your place, you should urgently go to career advice to analyze your skills and motivation. Otherwise you can work as much as you can and still stand down
If you have to say it, it’s the smartest thing.
You still haven’t understood it
No matter, keep dreaming.
Because I said discipline is more important than motivation?
Jaja is a good child. Much fun at hard
There’s someone very angry. Again, why should you aim for a poorly paid career division just because you might find it great? How long will you still find it great if you have little money despite the most effort?
If you don’t try and have zero plan, you’ll have no idea. Learn German again before you get money. Go on with the kindergarten. You can’t help
Again, what else do you want to do if you don’t have a dream job? Not everyone has.
Well, if you don’t work with a clear head and don’t have to do better, send stupid friendship request, you’ll always stand down and I can imagine that you won’t succeed in such a kindergarten.
I don’t have a dream job. I want to work, but honestly, I don’t care what it is, as long as it’s well paid and highly regarded. Most people can learn if you have discipline.
Because most people don’t have a good degree, so their dream job can’t be fulfilled. And that’s why it’s not a miracle, why many aren’t struggling, stabbed only Tralala and excited to be underpaid.
Just like that, they at least have their dream job. I think I have more people than you.
Oh, man. Only children nowadays. I believe that if your spiritual maturity is so undermined, you can’t keep what you do, and your behavior alone already says everything that you have no idea about working life at all. For nix do earning money, you’ve probably only imagined you.
Then why are you working? Otherwise you could not work for money.
You really have no idea how the working system works. Hard work does not mean equal, much money. If you’re just looking for money, you’ll be on your own or something. You don’t get your question to antowrten at all and you don’t choose any profession, just to think of money. Take some clear thoughts about what you really want to do later. Without brains and planning,
No, of course you have to work hard, logically. And motivation doesn’t play as much role as discipline.
Depends on training, after which the career
No, what are the best paid professions?
I thought you were disabled….what career do you want if not the disabled workshop?
Also disabled can work.
Yeah, but don’t make a career. Therefore, your questions and ideas are absurd and total!