Gut oder Böse?


Ich habe eine Idee für eine Geschichte. In der Geschichte sollen die Mächte von Gut und Böse aufeinander treffen. Außerdem gibt es alle möglichen Superkräfte (Schnelligkeit, Stärke, die Kraft zu Fliegen, Heilen, Telekinese, Elemente oder etwas zu kontrollieren, etc.). Also jetzt möchte ich die Kräfte auf die jeweiligen Seiten einteilen, also ob sie eher schlecht (böse) sind oder gut.
Was findet ihr, welche (Super-)Kräfte/ Fähigkeiten/ Talente sind eurer Meinung nach eher gut und welcher eher für die böse Seite ?

Ich freue mich auf eure Einteilungen und Antworten.



PS: Ihr könnt mir gerne alle möglichen (Super-)Kräfte/ Fähigkeiten/ Talente aufzählen, die euch einfallen 😉 (so hab ich noch mehr Ideen für Kräfte)

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2 months ago

Here’s a couple of powers, I just don’t think so.


× Healing

× See ghosts

× Communicate with spirits


× Control water and shape it

× Breathe under water

× communicating with animals

× Communicate with water

× communicating with plants

× Invisibility

× Communicate with wind

× Let herbal grow and deal with it

× Control the wind

× jumping far

× Speed


× communicating with fire

× Creating fire

× Control fires and shape forms thereof


× Telekinesis

× Read thoughts

× Control thought

× Control people

× Creating money

× Removing energy from living creatures and thus depressing them so far that they no longer live

× create unlimited water

× water disappear

× Weather control

× Temperature control

× Stop time

Hope I could help

2 months ago
Reply to  LouxiCasperan

Thanks for the star

2 months ago
Reply to  LouxiCasperan


2 months ago


Your book idea sounds exciting. 🧐

But I would make it that everyone has his individual superpower and nobody else has the same. Of course, there should be some more inventing it.

The division I do not find as optimal whether a person is good or evil I would make depend on how the past and character of the person is.

Have fun writing and greetings! 📖

2 months ago

What do you find, what (super) forces/ skills/ talents are, in your opinion, rather good and what more for the evil side?

Ideally, I would leave this division away. Ultimately, it is only important that you can control a force like this and for which side you use it.

Fire can give warmth, but also destroy it. Water -> Source of life but look at an area affected by severe flooding.

As I said, I wouldn’t be able to classify the individual skills. A division of society could be very interesting. For example, as a ‘mirror world’ where you have two children born on the same day/under the same star constellation and who can/are able to control the same ability (for example fire/water/telepathy, etc.) but one belongs to the ‘good side’ and the other of the ‘bad side’.

2 months ago
Reply to  LouxiCasperan

Then you can dice for me. As I said, it’s not possible to assign this clearly. It always depends on individual control and on how to use the force.

Otherwise you might have to create characters for the ‘force being’ yourself. Depending on how they act it is necessary anyway.

2 months ago

In my opinion, I would distribute the skills:

Good: flying, strength, healing, speed 👼

Evil: Control of elements or characters, Telekinesis, Invisibility 😈

Maybe something like dark magic fits well.

2 months ago

Dear Louxi,

When you write a story when you write a song, if you do something artistic, ask yourself if it was already there and if so, it stumbles.

Whether a story is good or bad… if it’s ever done, it’s never something special and forgetting.

There you are

As an example.

2 months ago

What kind of strength do you want? Then you could split them and create a balance based on the forces you want.

If it is Only water and fire would probably be more good for me and fire would be more evil. (too much avatar… bad firenation)

2 months ago
Reply to  LouxiCasperan

One of the best series

2 months ago

I also saw them;)

Not as good as Aang, but definitely worth seeing and with some surprise ^^^

2 months ago

I don’t think there is a clear division. You can’t do anything about what force you are born. Everyone can choose a page. Maybe there’s bad and good fire control, or, water, or… even if someone tries to force someone into a certain role that can still rebel against it.

2 months ago

Look at the best movies in cartoons and real where villains occur.

Maybe this gives you suggestions.

e.g. Skeletor, hock mok by Ladybug, Megatron, Star Wars

2 months ago

It would be better if you wrote a beginning of your story here and don’t want to get everything presented on the silver tray of us.