Günstige Trinkmahlzeiten?
Ich suche nach einer Trinkmahlzeit, die möglichst günstig sein soll. YFood finde ich sehr lecker, ist aber auch teuer. Kennt ihr gute Alternativen?
Bitte keine Antworten a la “das ist aber nicht gesund” etc.
Danke im Vorraus:)
Mana’s good.
Seasoned oat flakes with aroma can be made yourself. What else is yfood not. Put 1/2 banana in, cocoa or berries.
Such a thing is absentee for light-believers who can be fooled by absurd health promises and do not know what a healthy and balanced diet is.
Do you know my situation? No. I just want to have breakfast on my way to work in the morning. I don’t get anything hard in the morning. I’m hungry anyway. Accordingly, drinking meals would be offered as breakfast. But apparently you didn’t read my question completely, otherwise you could have saved your time for this unnecessary answer.
Instead of purifying any harmful fat sugar chemistry, just discipline yourself a bit, unfortunately, does not come to your mind? Drinking calorie bombs do not saturate and it already has a reason why nature has equipped you with teeth and chewing muscles, but hey, is your money and your body. Miss him as you want.
Wrong. That’s drinking food, just to get calories, nothing else, that has nothing to do with scraping or healthy. For older people or for people who like to refuse food intake, for psychological reasons the stuff is made