Günstig Fliegen?
Hallo, Wir wollen vom 19.04 bis 26.04 Nach athen fliegen von breslau. Meine frage wäre, ob der flug nochmal billiger wird? Er kostet jetzt 300€ also für hin und zurück. Vor 2 wochen hätte es 320€ gekostet, letzte woche aber auch mal 200€, Seit freitag letzter woche kostet es wie gesagt 300€. Wird es ab jetzt nur noch teurer oder könnte es nochmal billiger werden?
You should’ve hit 200. Pricing & Ticketing are dynamic, are constantly recalculated by algorithms based on bookings and search queries. Every time you look for this flight or other flights, this will be registered. Most, and probably also you, are not encrypted and anonymously surfing via VPN, so the airline knows exactly whoever phone or computer from which location, radio network and Wlan and with which IP this flight is looking for. And they always recognize you and now know exactly when you want to fly.
They also control the price you see. You can also see higher prices with iPhone than with Android. The airline and no one else will tell you how the price will evolve, who do not even know that because the algorithms act autonomously. If you wait longer, it’ll be very much up to EUR 400 to 500. I think the 200 won’t come back, you’ve been delayed too long. Did you think there’s another 99 EUR?
Here you go. The Skyscanner has the prices. In May, 19 to 26.5. costs it 131 EUR, why? Low demand because your appointment is on holiday. What can you get out of here if you’re lying to the departure place? Gdansk, Warsaw, Krakow, Berlin. Try. If everyone wants to fly at the same time, it’ll cost more, so the bite is running, huh? If you have too little money, well, you have to think about what else is going on. Tents in Masuren maybe?
You can also put a price alarm on different sides if there’s anything else. But I would not hope that holiday yards will fall. The flight offer is still lower than 2019, and the demand is high… you know what that means.
If the price seems appropriate to you, grab. There is nothing in this world that there is not somewhere better, cheaper, at a better time or more optimal. A decision can be wrong, do not decide is always wrong.
It is to be assumed that it is not cheaper. They are vacations in Poland.
You can wait, but if there are still places?
if one cancels, there is last minute price. Everything is possible… nothing is impossible.
And if one cancels and the demand is high because of vacation, then there is no bargain price, or do the airline make it for 199 EUR if the marker is 499? That’s not how it works. And if someone has a cheap gicket then it can’t be canceled anyway, ds there’s no show. Pax doesn’t come, tickets fall, space stays empty. This is how we experience it every day. Greetings from the Airliner.
But would you like to take the risk? The FS does not travel alone
Just booked for 600 zloty and return flight. Means flight prices really fluctuate. On the Internet, someone said that the prices are sometimes a week expensive to very expensive and soon afterwards cheap again, as long as it is between 50-80 days before departure
No one can say that. Normally he gets more expensive.
Try tonight in the week best even today.
He can be more expensive.
He can be cheaper.
He can also be booked….
No one can look into the future here.
You can also let your meaningless answer
What are you doing? It is exactly the correct information. No one can see how the flight is booked or not and how the algorithms will control the ticket price. It’s like it is. Would it be clear to everyone if the cheap price pops up, would anyone buy an expensive ticket? For 200 or 300 EUR, no airline deserves what, that’s clear. So, you decide and unfortunately you missed the EUR 200 because you didn’t book. Even guilt. 99 EUR will not go.
a different answer to such a question, unfortunately, I do not think of it…….
What would you do that if someone writes “they’re gonna be cheaper in two weeks” then you think that and it’s gonna come like that. And then? Of course (!) it could be cheaper again, it could (!) but also become significantly more expensive.
more still: I have experienced that I was 2 x on the website with my account, and at the 2nd May was what I wanted 30 euros or so more expensive. I asked my husband not to book his account there….
That’ll be even more difficult for the whole thing. At least that was the case with me, but I heard that I am not the only one….
There is no “aware of price development”. Those who know that if vacations are, it will be expensive, and three months before is inmer a popular pre-booking period. In addition, there are always specialized forums for travel and flying. There is much more expertise than between Nutella, Cock Comparison and SB. Logisch, right? Try the forum of http://www.holidaycheck.de and there are also professional journals such as “travels and prices”. At any train station or online. Whoever wants to know what he’s looking for.
It’ll be even cheaper if you don’t escape. Then you have something to book your next trip and by then you can see how it is this year, and then act accordingly next year at the same time.
Then you will be the one who can answer such questions reliably.
false acceptance. It’s a lottery.
No, I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking. It’s not like I’m asking the lotto numbers for april. Someone who flies correctly often will know when prices are cheap and whether they can get cheaper again, or whether it will only be more expensive now
you know that this could work or not. You might think some guy leans out to the window and tell you what to do to get a shitstorm off you when it goes wrong. There are no reliable experiences. My experience: if you wait too long, it can happen that the request date is fully booked…
Not at all when it comes to 1 week…
Long-term yes, early-booker or late-booker, you can read what is going on….
That’s just the answer you don’t need. If you don’t know how the prices on flights are zbs because you don’t watch them or often fly then just don’t answer
No, it doesn’t. But there are certain people who fly more often and have more warning of price development on flights than I have. I would have thought zbs that it will be cheaper now that the most tentative