Gummis (Elastics) bei einer festen Zahnspange notwendig?
Ich habe gestern meine Gummis erhalten. Damit soll sich mein Kiefer verschieben und die Zähne nach vorne drücken. Nur leider habe ich Probleme mit dem Einsetzen, da der Gummi nicht anhaften möchte. Kann sich der Kiefer auch ohne Gummis verschieben oder muss man sie tragen?
Hello MarcelSohns,
the orthodontist or the helper has put the Elastics and showed you how to hang them. So is it.
As an alternative, there are also non-compliance devices that are private services.
Good luck!
The rubbers are certainly necessary. If you have problems with this, let your parents help you or go back to the Kfo to ask if something is wrong or he can show you again
At the back of the jaw tooth I had problems to use the rubber, as there still a lot of skin makes it significantly more difficult and it does not make it possible. The CFO also meant, if this should not work, I can also use the front jaw tooth. At the front jaw tooth it works wonderfully. At the back, I tried an hour without success.
Then you already have a solution as I understand. Always make the rubbers clean or the treatment only extends.
I was told. Unfortunately, it will be extended as I have to visit a city 220km away next Tuesday at school (training). Probably you know the training as a financial manager. This means that I no longer see the CFO for a longer time and therefore the treatment is delayed by some.
You have to wear them. Use it.
Without the rubbers, your jaw is not so directed as with rubbers. They’re necessary.