Gummi für Zahnspange hält nicht richtig?

Hey Leute ich bekomme bald am Freitag meine feste Zahnspange und hab heute die Gummis dafür in meine Zähne reinbekommen.. Das Problem ist dass der eine Gummi garnicht gut hält und auch fast am rausfallen ist weil ich was gegessen hab.. Was soll ich machen?😬

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1 year ago

Hello user,

the separating gums press the baking teeth apart so that space is created and the bands can be placed.

If the sepiary gums have already pushed the teeth apart, they are no longer so tight and it can happen that they go out. Then the gap goes back. Then the setting of the bands becomes more unpleasant, because the orthodontic orthodontics must press more or you can put the band only at the next appointment.

Check if it’s not right. Only the lower part is between the teeth. The upper part lies above the point of contact of the teeth. If the separating gum hangs out, you can thread it in yourself. On YouTube there are videos of how to do this with tooth silk.

If you’re insecure, call your orthodontist. He then decides whether he wants to see you, want to put new ones or try it like that.

Good luck!


1 year ago

Hi, try the rubber again to clamp/press the tooth, because it is supposed to cause a gap between the teeth and this only happens when the rubber is also fixed at the intended location.

1 year ago

Go to the dentist tipps or let him do it to you