Guckt ihr euch gelegentlich die Einkaufswagen anderer Kunden an?
Also interessiert es euch, was sich andere Kunden in Supermärkten wie zum Beispiel “Kaufland” in ihre Einkaufswagen so alles packen? Ich habe damit angefangen, mich dafür bei meinem Einkauf zu interessieren und sehe da auch bewusst nach und wühle da auch gelegentlich im vollen Wagen rum, um sehen zu können was sich unterhalb darin befindet. Natürlich nur dann, wenn der Kunde seinen Einkaufswagen in der Regalreihe hat stehen lassen um Abseits nach weiteren Produkten Ausschau zu halten. Hierbei ist mir erst kürzlich aufgefallen, hat dich der eine Kunde drei Kisten Pilsener in seinem Wagen deponiert und der Rest nur Süßigkeiten sowie 5 Kartons mit Tiefkühlpizza. Und da wundern sich die Leute, daß sie Krank werden ☝️ 🤦
Shopping trolleys do not interest me, do not have the time when shopping or what does it bring me?
This is something else at the checkout, because I sometimes find it interesting.
However, it is very often that people do not buy for themselves, but for relatives or work. This is always very strong, on separate invoices, or the quantities.
It doesn’t intress me, so I don’t look in there. It’s only at the cash registers that you’ll have to pack people up in front of you.
And sometimes I wonder. For example, if someone buys almost no food, but extremely much detergent and cleaning agent. Or someone in food only buys a few rolls and other baked goods but huge amounts of vegetable oil.
I’d lie if I said it wouldn’t interest me. Work in a supermarket. Of course I’ll take a look.
sometimes in the full car
Sorry I can’t. It’s not just something unharmed, it’s a groundless wickedness. You don’t have to run into other shopping carts. You bring it to small children only with your eyes and not with your fingers. If I caught you on my shopping cart, I’d make you a statement that the walls would be shaking.
Yes – but only with young attractive women to see if they are single;-)
Stable,… this must be!
At the checkout I sometimes look at what people are buying and my prejudices are fully confirming. The fat walnut only buys chocolate, cola, lime, pizza, chips, etc., the type of frustrated psychologist exclusively organic vegetables, grain bread, fruit juice, fresh cheese and water, the singles buy ready meals and the pensioner his three slices of sausage, 2 tomato, 1-2 bottles of beer, 1 box of cigarettes and the packed mixed bread.
When I pick up the box row, I occasionally scan the contents of the shopping carts of the people standing at the cash registers and waiting to estimate the shortest waiting time.
…you cunning 🦊 😜 😆
Yeah, well recognized. I’m saving up to 1 minute waiting time for every purchase. In the year I come to about an hour of extra leisure!
1 hour you can spend longer in the golf club or brothel
I work in the area and if obese people have the car full of frozen pizzas, limes and candy, I do my thoughts.
Yes, and most of the customers who have such a disgusting stuff in their car, are funny to 95/98% so-called “spoke tanks” ☝️
I don’t care, AND you don’t even care what other people buy
You say ☝️ …I occasionally also speak to other customers on their selected products if I believe that these are health-friendly or there are products from cheaper suppliers (own brand). 👍
not every customer puts on your expertise, and price comparison can be achieved by the mouthful customer himself
Yes, but seemingly the biggest share of customers is not able to do so and I come into play ☝️
I have no interest in what the others have in their shopping cart.
No, I don’t care
Lack of social competence 🤔
good self-description for you
…because this isn’t funny
No, I’m totally sniffed.
Don’t touch me.
Interested me NULL
… disinterest, is the beginning of the end
No, it’s totally psycho to study strange purchases. You’re more lacking social competence to keep you out of foreign life.
…and marginal, I love so fascistoid new German Slang ☝️ 😆 😆
It’s overriding
I don’t care, some people have to be compelled to their happiness and persevere ☝️
They don’t want it from you
I would like to give my fellow human beings help in the field of nutrition, health and cost savings ☝️