Grundsteuer 2022 abgeben, frage zur wirtschaftlichen Einheit bzw. dem Anteil?

hallo zusammen,

bin gerade dabei die Grundsteuer zu machen . Bin aus Bayern. Bei dem Punkt 6 kommt die Frage auf , „Zur wirtschaftlichen Einheit gehörender Anteil: Zähler , Nenner“.

was muss da rein? Grundstück sowie Haus läuft auf beide also Mann und Frau .
danke euch

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2 years ago

The property is located in Bavaria? Because, point 6 in the Bavarian explanation would be the reception authority. And the part of you that belongs to the economic unit: Counter, denominator, which you are looking for is not even questioned. The indication counter/nenner appears once in the hallway details (point 2 location of the property), as it looks

and once with the owners (point 3),

Here, in your case, you would be able to enter 1/2 with both spouses.

Please see if you have the right form. You might have caught the one for the federal model (“other federal states”), here the question is asked.

Update 19:35 by Comment from PaulPeter44:

The information in question is the flurstück-related. In this case

indicate the height of the parcel to be assigned to the document. In the case of the questioning person 1/1. This can also be read in the help, see blue question marks in Elster.

2 years ago
Reply to  kegus

I also live in Bavaria and find the number 6, which is about economic unity.

It’ll be asked twice. once with the owners, this is your picture above under number 30

and on page :

Municipality-related listing of markings and landpiece(s) of the property

Numer 6:

6 Part of the economic unit: Count 1

6 Part of the economic unit: denominator 3

2 years ago
Reply to  PaulPeter44

Thank you for the hint. In my country the question came more and more obvious, so I did not expect it (more) at this point.

2 years ago
Reply to  PaulPeter44

Oh, okay, these are the hallway details. I didn’t get that deep, I’m sorry.

2 years ago

In another place, the owners are given and how the division is. 1/2 by example, if both are half the plot.

At the property itself you specify the size of the plot and then, below. how much of it is your property.

For example, if it is a semi-detached house on a plot, then the tomb is e.g. 1000 sq.m., but you only have the share on which your house is standing that would be 600 sq.m., then you take 600 / 1000.

If the whole plot belongs to you, you take 1000/1000. or shortened. 1/1.

At ELSTER there is also a film how to fill out the explanation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lex33

at 30 (owner) you carry 1/2

and at the 6 (expressed plot) you carry 1/1

2 years ago
Reply to  Lex33

plot size 589 sqm,

1/1 I would enter if all 589 square meters belong to you

The division into the 2 owners, man and woman is on another side with the persons.

2 years ago

The parcel number is usually 2 divided, i.e. 35/428. The first number is the counter, the second number is the denominator. Like the breaks.

2 years ago

It’s about the share of the property, then 1/1. It’s about the property relations then (probably) you 1/2 and your wife 1/2.