Grundloses hausverbot von einer Mitarbeiterin in Lidl Bekommen?
Ich war heute in einem Lidl mit einem Freund und ich bin rumgegangen um den fehlenden euro zu ergattern und als ich dann eine person fragte kam die Mitarbeiterin in einer Schwarzen Jacke hinter mir (Keine Fillialleitung) zu mir und sagte mir das ich wegen dem fragen Hausverbot habe und ie die Polizei rufen wird wenn ich nicht direkt verschwinde. Außerdem hat der freund auch Hausverbot bekommen ob wohl er nichtmal bei mir war??
She’s right.
Presumably, customers felt harassed.
You have committed an offence within the store. There can be no talk of no reason.
but how do it take a warning and not directly house ban + police
The police were only threatened and not called. So that’s a warning. Maybe not nice, but is the good right of the shoppers.
Yeah, that’s it. Begging other customers is also not particularly business-promoting. This has not happened without reason.
House law.
It’s just that if you’re privately owned by paying customers, you’ll get rid of it.
Best lasting.
That was a lot unwise. A lot faster you get money when you sit in front of the entrance, with the usual pitiful impression: sitting, shield on the lap, beaker before it, maybe also with dog.
Of course she can. It is also not fundamental: Begging is against the house order.
Lidl can do that, of course.
That’s a reason. Begging in the store is inappropriate and business-damaging.
It wasn’t a reasonless thing. You’ve been bedded in the store for money.
This will have disturbed the other customers.
If you’re banned from home, you’ve got no house.
I’m really ready
Whether it suits you or not, you can’t shake your house right.
So, what do you want to know, or do you just want to lie around and do it on poor?