Grundlos geschwollene finger?
Röntgenbild OB
Bluttest OB außer Borreliose positiv gewesen, einen Monat Antibiotika genommen, dadurch wurden Schulterschmerzen weniger.
Meine Finger wechseln sich immer ab mit den Schwellungen und der Steifheit, mal ist es die rechte Hand mit drei Fingern oder die linke Hand mit einem Finger… bei der rechten Hand fängt gerade auch der Daumen an im Gelenk weh zu tun.
Keine Arthrose, Arthritis Gicht oder Rheuma. Habe vorgestern ein MRT gemacht, Weine sehr merkwürdige Reaktion auf meine Bilder. Wurde gesagt” was ist das denn??” Eine andere flüsterte dann”Frau ……”. Ich hatte woanders habe natürlich Angst bekommen aber nicht nachgefragt.
Nun muss ich warten bis die Ergebnisse bei meinem Arzt ankommen aber habe total Angst. Kann man Krebs in den Knochen bekommen oder in den Gelenken? Ich bin ein kleiner Hypochonder, ganz dezent gesagt.
Habe schon etliche fehldiagnosen bekommen, eine Orthopädin behauptete vehement es wäre ein schnappfinger, mehrere haben diese diagnose widerrufen
I have a full understanding of it when you’re a little hypochond… but first of all on the topic:
The reactions to the images of the MRT may have nothing to do with the images of you, but perhaps with the technique that the sisters need to use. Or the sisters have betrayed each other about completely different things… I do not know how the situation was on site, whether the sisters looked directly on the pictures or just sat in the next room?
My first suspicion is the borreliosis. So if I read it correctly, did you have borreliosis and an appropriate antibiotic therapy over a whole month? Inflammations at the joints are a very characteristic symptom of a borreliosis. Especially when these inflammations migrate, or alternately occur at different points. You seem to have had the pathogen a little longer in you? If both IgG and IgM antibodies are present in greater concentration, the infection is already a bit older, which is why it is possible that the Borrelia can have caused “small” damage already here and there. Even after an antibiotic treatment, the symptoms have not automatically disappeared. It actually takes months to end the symptoms.
When was the borreliosis found with you? Was IgG and IgM antibody investigated? Did you have swollen hands before the antibiotic therapy?
You can get blood into your bones, but if it were cancer, the blood pattern would have already pointed out (e.g. increased C proteins or increased white blood cells). Apparently this wasn’t the case?
I can’t tell exactly how long the borreliosis has been in me. But my last tick bite was about 2018.
P I don’t know exactly what tests were done in the blood
In any case, you have the right to view the results of the blood test at any time. to give you an expression. Simply contact the doctor (this goes without appointment).
It is probably rheumatoid arthritis. The laboratory blood values vary here, they are not always uniquely changed.
No that is definitely not
Then why do you ask?