Vater ist verstorben und hat das Haus dem Nachbarn vererbt( Testament) . Mutter steht trotz Scheidung im Grundbuch . Darf sich der Erbe ohne Zustimmung ins Grundbuch eintragen .
Vater ist verstorben und hat das Haus dem Nachbarn vererbt( Testament) . Mutter steht trotz Scheidung im Grundbuch . Darf sich der Erbe ohne Zustimmung ins Grundbuch eintragen .
Er hatte nur eine kurze Beziehung bisher, mehr nicht. Er ist lieber alleine und macht Karriere. Was meint ihr?
Hallo zusammen, ich bin erwachsen und 24 Jahre alt, ich wohne noch bei meiner Mutter und mir ist in letzter Zeit aufgefallen, dass sie immer ein Drama macht, wenn Ich Wochenende mir weggehen möchte, Ich verstehe nicht warum. Wie zum Beispiel heute Abend, möchte Ich eine Kirmes besuchen in einer Kleinstadt, da fragt sie schon…
Hallo. der Vater meiner Kinder hasst mich und meint ich sei ein getstörter, kranker Mensch. Er wollte die Beziehung nicht mehr da er meinte ich sei krank er beschimpft mich auch dauerhaft. Er hat auf ein Wechselmodell bestanden kommuniziert aber überhaupt nicht mit mir. Ich schreibe ihm mittlerweile alles wegen der Kinder aber es kommt…
Stelle mir die Frage wann ist Schluss in einer Ehe die über 30 Jahre andauert und sehr viele Krisen erlebt hat, z. B. unter anderem eine langjährige andauernde Beziehung/Liebe des Partners zu einer anderen Person, Beschimpfungen, Streitereien, Schuldzuweisungen die immer mal wieder gemacht werden. Wann sollte Schluss sein? Ist die Angst vor dem Alleinsein der…
Mein 3 jähriger Neffe hat gesagt ich gehöre nicht zur Familie und ich darf nicht mehr bei meinen Eltern im Haus wohnen darf er dass sagen?
Also ich beschreibe es euch hier mal… Es hatte alles an einer früh angefangen , mein violetter wellensittich lag tod auf dem boden , zuerst habe ich gedacht das es evtl an dem alter lag oder er herzprobleme hatte, was sich aber schnell änderte… seine partnerin hatte sich sehr komisch verhalten, sie ist schon mehrmals…
Then the divorced ones had not agreed on the remains of the house.
The will is opened, with notarial will, in some areas, the land register is also corrected for expulsion. Otherwise, a formless request.
In the private will, neighbor needs an inheritance certificate and the basic book is corrected. The consent of the co-owners is not necessary here.
If the neighbor actually became father’s sole inheritance – he inherits all the estate and you can ask for the funeral expenses. In addition to the already mentioned mandatory part.
A lot of inheritance tax for the neighbor….
If there is still a joint loan from the divorced ones on the house, neighbor will inherit half here.
I would definitely wait the 6 weeks after the opening with the lawyer. (If you are certain that you have understood the will correctly!!!).
If neighbor accepts inheritance – he can also assign a basic debt to his half-share in order to pay the obligatory part.
If you want to live in or even live in it, a good time for the mother would be to transfer your share.
If the mother should live in it – she should also be a lawyer, best not the one who advised her to the divorce agreement.
It’s not that easy. The wife and the children inherit part of the paternal household. You should be advised.
The divorced wife inherits nix more;) We don’t get out of a new marriage if we don’t get anywhere. Otherwise, there is a maximum of a compulsory share in this case, but does not mean that the neighbour does not have the 50% of the house or that the compulsory shareholders would have entitlement to the house share (not specifically in the example)
the will will be opened, only with it can follow further steps.
as the ex is still in the basic book, you will continue to be the part. only heirs she becomes nix
the neighbor must assert the claims by inheritance certificate. there is no related relationship so he only has a free amount of €20,000 everything else he will have to pay.
Mother, there seems to be children who are of course eligible. but this is all in the will. It’s not that easy.
If your mother is still 50% in the basic book, you’ll also own this half of the house. Your father can only inherit his house. There are still legal heirs (children) have this claim to the mandatory part.
Apart from other genetic themes that can be included here : The 50% belong to the neighbor and with the share he may also register in the basic book. Also against the will of the other 50% owner
If there’s a child and if there’s a compulsory part of it?
Then it may be that the neighbor (partly) has to pay out, depending on the available cash. (and if this is necessary, the neighbor must also sell its share again)
Do not change the fact that the child has no claim to the property
All more should clarify a lawyer
If the father has inherited his 50% to the neighbors, his name and your mother are now in the land register.
Either one pays the other if he wants to live inside, and both sell and share the yield.
The first question is whether this will can actually obtain legal validity.
As the father apparently was only a pro-shared owner, he was not empowered to inherit the house. In the case of fractional property, it can only have its own share. He can’t do anything with all his hands. Then it was only common.
We don’t know what’s exactly in the basic book and the will.
In addition, the neighbour would have to use the statutory heirs’ mandatory claims when the inheritance occurs.
I would advise you to consult a specialist.
He can be entered in the land register with a certificate. He then owns 50% and your mother remains 50%.
Of course he has to pay you your duty. However, you do not have a claim to the basic book. Mandatory part always means the cash claim.
This can give rise to serious disputes.
If your mother was married to your father when he died, then she has a considerable duty on her inheritance.
Before there is no inheritance certificate, nothing is entered in the land register.
That sounds like a case for the lawyer.
no they were divorced but she is still in the basic book . He was only able to inherit 50% of the inheritance. Therefore, the question whether the new heirs may be admitted with a certificate
If your mother’s in the land register, it seems to be half the house. As I said, this is a case for the lawyer. The neighbor who inherits the house could have to pay a lot.
Plus my duty share then for the inherited 50%. Then I have to claim a lawyer.
“Schmunzel” – the father was able to testamentally the Nacharn max. his share of the property inherited. However, your claim for inheritance remains – at least 50% of the legal claim for inheritance… that would be 25% of the property value here if you were the only child of the estate agent.
Only an inheritance certificate can be issued for the hereditary community and then entered in the land register. Please contact the competent local court by submitting a basic copy and a copy of the will.
Yeah, I was, and there’s nothing right now. That is why the question with the basic book or whether we have a means of printing and do not say no entry into the basic book without payment because my share of duty does not count as an object, but in percentages at least my thinking and the 50% of my mother actually give 75% theoretically at least
Then the father could not completely inherit the house.