Basic training overweight?

Good evening,

I will soon be completing my basic training with the Bundeswehr, but I have gained a lot of weight (currently 135kg, when I was drafted 123kg).

My question is, can I be thrown out for this or will the Aga run normally because the inspection was successful?

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1 year ago

Why did you increase 12kg?

It will be much more strenuous for you. You have to do exactly the same thing the others do. Whether thick or thin. Every kilo of fat and no muscles are harder.

There you’ll lose a lot of weight, but it can be that you’ll be pampered first and that’s kept to you all the time.

It would be best if you started to take off and build muscles. With 10kg less you will have it much easier.

1 year ago

Nothing should happen. And I’m relatively sure these 12 kilos and I’m sure there’s more to go soon.

However, you will notice every kilo when you are running, climbing, lying support etc. Depending on where you come, there are, for example, so-called “series” that means 3 or 4 exercises in succession.

It’ll be bad if you’re in the clothes hut and you don’t like the toe. If there is nothing more suitable then it will be narrow in the truest sense of the word. .

1 year ago


You will have very “heavy” in basic training


It can be good that you’re being bullied.

1 year ago
Reply to  WarmVoice

No why…

The three months are there to see if you’re capable…

1 year ago

Every day, there were small excursions for small parkours and team skills. Sometimes an unexpected night shift. And weapons and legal training. Long walk!

1 year ago

As long as you get the basic Fittness test, they won’t throw you out for that.