Großer Zeh tut weh beim gehen?
seit 2 Wochen tut mein großer Zeh am rechten Fuß weh wenn ich auftrete. In Ruhezustand fühle ich nur sehr leichte Schmerzen. Optisch sieht mein Zeh gesund aus.
Benutze seit 5 Monaten orthopädische Einlagen an die ich mich sehr gut gewöhnt habe. Ich sehe auch keinen Zusammenhang, dass die Schmerzen durch die Einlagen kommen.
In der Arbeit laufe ich sehr viel in bequemen Sicherheiten mit zertifizierten Einlagen.
Was könnte den Schmerz verursachen? Hat jemand eine ähnliche Erfahrung damit?
It could also be a starting Hallux valgus. You’re best to go to Orthopaedics again.
Could be gout
Oh, my… should I worry or is that safe?
Maybe the deposits do it? Have you ever tried to leave the deposits?
No, I haven’t tried. I’ll do the next days. But that the inserts would cause pain after five months would surprise me, but could be possible.
How was it previously question marks for what reasons did you get deposits? Have you been in pain?
Yes I’m not a doctor, and I can’t do any diagnoses or anything. I can only report from my own experience. In doubt, you should ask your doctor again.
I had an overload on the left foot a half year ago and the orthopaedic has prescribed me deposits. Were similar pain but only on the left foot. The outer foot edge up to the small toe has melted during the occurrence. This time, I just got on the right foot, mainly on the big toe. At the inner foot edge I also had pain during the first days but that was still possible. At present, only my big toe hurts.