Grow bigger?
Hello, I'm a 13-year-old female and I wanted to ask how I can grow better and faster. So many people my age are already much taller, and I want to grow too. I'm 157-158cm tall. Please give me some tips on how to grow. I'm still in the growth phase.
thanks for reading
Although several factors that determine your size are outside your control, you will find tips to reach your full growth potential.
Heyy, I’m 14 and I’m about 1.60m. I was about the same size as you. Since you (and also I) are still in growth, it is important that you do not go to muscles if you do sports. Eat enough and the rest comes with time.
What kind of eating
I don’t care
Unfortunately, there is no way to put your max.size in your gene and you can’t read it like a book yet.
This is due to your genes and you can’t influence them.