Größenlimit für Femboys?
Servus zusammen.
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob es bei Femboys eine Art Größenlimit gibt. Oft sieht man ja das Klischee, dass Femboys eher klein sein sollten. Aber ist das wirklich so, oder spielt die Größe überhaupt keine Rolle? Also checkt ihr? So ein 180 femboy fühlt sich neben einem 160 femboy irgendwie falsch an.
I think that there are also dominant and submissive Femboys. This means that if you are bigger than Femboy, you might radiate a kind of dominance. Then it might have been easier to date submissive or submissive femboys (if you want to)
I guess it depends on the angle of view as you can see.
In itself, the size doesn’t matter, it doesn’t fit together sometimes, Baer doesn’t prevent the person from being a femboy.
I don’t know
There are also women who are bigger than me. Do I have to be wrong?
P.S. I am 1.85 tall, so larger women are more rare.
I find questions that seek exclusion generally incorrect.
Believe there’s a misunderstanding.
I just wanted to know the opinion of others. If the other is bigger than others, but since femboys are associated as often as they are rather small, I was curious how others see it. I think the question was wrongly formulated
The limit is 3.71m and 18mm.