Große Sorgen wegen der Skoliose OP?
Guten Tag, ich werde am Ende des Jahres eine skoliose op haben aber ich habe panische Angst davor.
Ich habe mir ein paar Meinungen eingeholt und alle meinten es muss unbedingt operiert werden sonst werde ich im Alter starte Probleme bekommen.
Wie stehen denn die Chancen das die op erfolgreich wird?
Bringt es was ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen, helfen die Muskeln der skoliose oder vielleicht nach der Operation?
Hello Luigi,
Question does it look soo in your bed?
Are you in great pain?
When and in what attitude?
Good night and good for 2024
Always happy
opi venerable
The problem with gym that you have the spine
should not be burdened with weights – that would be
Double-productive. Stretching is better than Load!
If only simple chimneys with own weight would come
as stretching exercises in question (Of course with caution)
at first, maybe blossom, in question.
In doing so, the discs would be relieved during the day,
and the corresponding muscle stabilized.
Physiotherapy did you continue the exercises at home?
What were they?
OP- means stiffening and that a quite long piece
and no one can give you warranty. Explore
which area will be?
I often sleep on the side, left and right. If I just sleep I have the most pain. When I stand at work 3-4 hours, the pain starts but can be sustained.
Then it seems to be a crumble to the back
Is there a lot in the embriot?
Your bones are already cured, then it looks natural
bad, actually gives the recording already.
See also in PS: in my reply
Your X-ray image afflicts me as there is a very pronounced scoliosis on it, which is probably also associated with movement restrictions and pain.
Thus, an OP is a really good idea.
2 days ago, a user also asks for his scoliosis.
I would like to share my answer with you here:
Scoliosis? (pain, back, back pain) – good question
I wish you all the best and great success with the necessary surgery.
I hope I could be helpful to you and look forward to a “help-free” and “danke”.
Best regards DaLi♀️ ♀️, Leo😺 and Mishu😺
I don’t have any movement restrictions, but I don’t even hurt unbearable.
And yes, I can post that? What do you want me to post this? I shared my answer.
Oh, read me.
Yeah, that should be operated.
Are you doing medical gymnastics to Schroth?
Not yet, do physiotherapy and massages. But I’ll ask tomorrow about the gymnastics
You should try a rehab in Bad Sobernheim. Best before the surgery
In Bad Sobernheim patients from all over the world are…
I’m from Austria, but I’m going to give something similar
Reha after surgery is important, not now
Now relax, you will be helped with the operation!
You should ask your doctor to deal with this.
I don’t have the advice until then, I want to get in touch with the internet
“will inform me in the internet until then”
Let it go, you’re just making yourself crazy!