Große Probleme mit Süßigkeiten?

Ich esse zu viel Süßigkeiten (heute wieder mal eine ganze Tafel Schokolade)

Aber ich kanns nicht kontrollieren.

Wenn das Verlangen da ist dann ist es so groß dass ich mich nicht ablenken kann.

Wenn ich mir vornehme nur einen Riegel davon zu essen dann ist es vorbei, da würde ich vom Keller in den Dachboden laufen um mir Schokolade zu holen und auch fünf Straßenbahn Haltestellen um Schokolade zu kaufen.

Ich nehm immer weiter zu aber es ist ein Teufelskreis. Ich esse zwei Tage gesund mit vielen Proteinen aber spätestens am dritten Tag wird die lust auf Schokolade wieder so groß dass ich komplett in alte Muster verfalle.

Es helfen auch keine nüsse oder gesunde Alternativen weil ich ja Schokolade will und keine Datteln und keine nüsse.

Habt ihr Tipps? Bin langsam echt am verzweifeln

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3 months ago

You should pay better attention to your diet, eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and eat regular meals. Then your desire for chocolate automatically disappears.

But if you feed too little fiber-rich and eat irregular meals, you only support such hot-hunger attacks.

3 months ago

Hello AirBNB955, 👋

I keep going, but it’s a vicious circle. I eat two days healthy with many proteins but at the latest on the third day, the lust on chocolate again becomes so big that I completely fall into old patterns.

you shouldn’t forbid you so long,

To eat chocolate.

It also does not help any nuts or healthy alternatives because I want chocolate and no dattels and no nuts.

Yeah, I know that too and that’s why I eat

a bit of chocolate daily; so to speak

as dessert ( 2-3 bars). Every day

Dark chocolate is even healthy!

Do you have any tips? I’m getting really desperate

Yes daily eat some chocolate

and practice discipline so that there is no whole

Table becomes! 👉 Contenance 💪🥳👍

LG 🙋🏻

3 months ago
Reply to  AirBNB955

Very happy

& much success.✊✊✊🍀🍀

3 months ago

Usually this happens if you don’t feed well enough. I had the problem too and had eaten many proteins and vegetables. The craving for sweet went after a few days. I think your blood sugar rises and falls quickly through the chocolate. You have to get the sugar out first and force you to give up

3 months ago
Reply to  lonelyTarantel

blood sugar does not rise quickly from chocolate, as in chocolate much fat is!

3 months ago

The question is if you live healthy? Then you would take 3 meals a day – with whole grains, potatoes, pasta and rice – all that lasts longer. And vegetables and fruits for vitamins. Meat and fish. All this contributes to being filled – that your body can produce the sugar you need. Did you know that your body itself produces sugar?

Then you don’t have a starving. Then you can drink a little after lunch and dinner. A little. You just have to give it to you and not just make it pointless. Chocolate is allowed and good for the soul. Too much of it makes you thick – you know.

And move in fresh air! Drink enough. Feeling positive – do beautiful things. Then you don’t need so much chocolate anymore.

3 months ago
Reply to  AirBNB955

Then learn discipline. Join yourself and give you satisfaction. Get yourself up. Otherwise it won’t go.

Do whatever you approve. And then you don’t run 6 kilometers to the next supermarket!

I assure you that you can reconcile yourself quickly, you really want. Your brain will store the right thing. You just have to.

3 months ago

Hi, that could be an eating disorder. Uncontrolled eating is a big symptom. Try to eat a week NO candy and see if you can handle it. If it’s very hard for you, I’d turn to an essay doctor because you probably have an eating disorder.

3 months ago
Reply to  AirBNB955

Then you have an eating disorder. You should go to the arsenal expert instead of the psychologist.

3 months ago

You shouldn’t completely forbid this chocolate because otherwise, as you said, you’re even worse and in larger quantities. Eat a bar or a small portion of chocolate after each meal and after a few days you can reduce the amount if it still bothers you.

sometimes this also comes due to a dissolving, zb stress, boredom or emotions (due to period etc.) so try to find out what this is.

and if you really can’t do it, you can look for alternatives. Dark chocolate is great for it; saturated better. Or so chocolate-chiapudding.

3 months ago

Filling up nutrients – I think you know how to do this, because you’re nourishing yourself healthy and seemingly busy. If the body has everything he needs, he has no more cravings. Would typ on magnesium, but rarely comes 🙂 It’s eaten fast!