Große aggresionen wegen schlechtem internet?
Ich habe oft das problem das ich sehr aggresiv werde, wenn ich beim gamen zu schlechtes internet habe, was oft der Fall ist und dann immer das Verlangen danach habe den Kontroler gegen die Wand zu schlagen oder auseinander zu reißen, aber tue es nicht weil ich mich zurückhalte, aber es schmerzt trotzdem innerlich. Was kann man dagegen tun?
Well, I’m sure you can get angry when you get interrupted.
But maybe you could also think about gaming addiction when it happens so often and deal with the topic.
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Get discipline! You can get used to that. It’s worth it! You can’t change anything actively at the moment. It only helps to stay calm and accept.
Or technically change things in the long term. What I don’t know.
Be thankful. Some people thirst and starve while you want to break your controller because of bad internet. That’s pure ingratitude. You live in luxury. You can’t forget that.
I’m grateful, so I can hold back
Single player offline games cock.
yes this is quite normal I’ve already broken two screens
go out and play in real life.
I do not play very often only in the evening, I am always only out