Greifen Raubtiere an, wenn sie Angst spüren?

Also nicht, wenn sie selbst Angst haben, sondern wenn sie spüren, dass man selbst Angst hat. Das habe ich schon öfter bei Hunden und Wildschweinen gehört, dass sie angreifen, wenn sie spüren, dass Du Angst vor bekommst, wenn sie vor dir stehen.

Oder ist das Quatsch ? Und wenn’s stimmt, ziehen sie sich dann zurück, wenn sie merken, dass man keine Amgst vor ihnen hat ?

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2 years ago

A wild boar that is on the move with young people and identified you as a potential danger for their young people will attack you, no matter how big and strong & self-confident You look at the animal and trust me it will make you crawl when it wants.

In a dog it looks a bit different, a dog you can intimidate more than the wildsau. But even in an aggressive dog, if he wants to attack for whatever reason, it will do if you are afraid or not.

Without reason, however, in the normal case, neither wild boar nor dog simply attacks.

2 years ago


Animals who feel threatened must be between Fight or Flight decide.

Some attack when they find that this improves their chances.

Wild boars with young children are completely unempathetic and attack you. With or without fear of yours.

It’s hard to judge with dogs. Some have to consider whether they have to defend their territory or whether it is a kind of willingness.

2 years ago

This depends on the specific situation and why the respective predator attacks you.

To your wild boar sample: wild boars are not predators.

2 years ago

The weaker you are, the further down you are in the food chain. But I don’t know how weak and anxious you have to work with a dog to attack you. Most of them do that even if you are self-confident.

Basically, it is true. If you’re helplessly screaming away, animals don’t have as much respect for you as if you’re making threatening bears. Someone who threatens is more impressive. If you’re just sweating anxiety, it doesn’t provoke an attack, I think.

2 years ago

Some animals need the human being as a Lord. Then they’ll settle down.

In human fear, the instinct of Luciferian or Ahriman nature can start in the animal.

In humans, it is also so that some of them become depressed with good or fearful. Don’t trust yourself.

But if a predator is hungry, he also eats the self-confident Lord.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kanimose

Some animals need the human being as a Lord. Then they’ll settle down.

Which one?

2 years ago
Reply to  NoLies

😂 🤣. But for example already with your own dog.

He dances on your nose if he can’t recognize you as a Lord.

2 years ago
Reply to  CapeworkLKE

He’ll attack you on hunger.

He doesn’t recognize a knife.

He only thinks about spirit instinctively if you’re afraid.

2 years ago

For example, at the Rudel Wölfen is one of the lead wolf, the boss. What has nothing to do with power.

I didn’t understand anything wrong. You do. This theory has long been refuted. There’s no alpha wolf. Wolves live in family associations. More for you to read:

Subordination is completely different and has nothing to do with the dog being dependent on me for food. This has nothing to do with “view men” or something. Gives enough dogs to bite the hand they feed. Simple Resources Defense. But it has long been proven that there can be no dominance of wiping man and dog! Continue reading for you: relationship between human and dogirrtum-or-tatsache/

From this very special: “Animals who regularly compete with the same species for resources (social allowance, food, berths, sexual partners, etc.) can form dominance relations with one another. Social dominance isaSocial aspectsinternalRelationship!”(Dr. Ute Blaschke-Berthold).

Social dominance relations are formed when group members compete for resourceshave to(for example in case of food shortages).

Conclusion:Social dominance relations can become concrete resources in certain situationsform between members of the same kind!

2 years ago

It’s not about ruddy instinct, but with DEINEM dog, whether you always care about him, get him. Your dog is dependent on care. And that’s why he recognizes you as a Lord.

What you’re coming now, I can only say that you understood something wrong again.

For example, at the Rudel Wölfen is one of the lead wolf, the boss. What has nothing to do with power.

When wolves migrate, the sick and old go ahead and set the pace. In the end, the boss goes to give back cover in case of seriousness. He still remains the Lord/Chair, leader, even if he goes after.

2 years ago

You’re absolutely wrong. This has long since been scientifically disproved by the bullshit with “Rudelführer” “Alpha” “Boss” or anything else. Even the scientist who first set up the alpha theory has now withdrawn it.

For you to read: andrange relations/

PS: my female has the BHP – so much on the subject on the nose. We’re just a team. But I absolutely did not need my dog to “subfold” me.