Gravel Bike und Backpacking?


ich möchte mir ein Gravel-Bike kaufen, das viele Ösen für die Befestigung von Satteltaschen, Gepäckträger, Schutzbleche, usw hat. Ich suche ein Modell aus Carbon von 2.500-3.500 EUR. Rahmengröße 49-51. Habt ihr da eine Kaufempfehlung für ein bestimmtes Modell oder einen Tipp?

Abends wollte ich trainieren und in den Ferien Backpacking-Touren machen.

Besten Dank und viele Grüße


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2 years ago

It wouldn’t make any sense to suggest anything to you. Then you know it suits “someone” – but you’re another person. You are probably not the same size and even if it were, it would be an extreme coincidence if your body were equally proportioned. Then you don’t know if this “someone” has the same preferences regarding the seat position as you.

Or if he sits on grinding stone like Ar§$%, but that doesn’t even notice and thinks everything is good.

Go into several bike shops, try different bikes and see what suits you and what doesn’t. And then you can start comparing the geometry data of the tested bikes and for you. Online offers to consider what lengths and angles fit you and which do not.

many eyelets for fastening saddle bags, luggage carriers, protective plates, etc

  1. This is not so widespread in carbon frames.
  2. Until Gravelbikes came in fashion, bike packers all over the world have also been perfectly clear without all these eyelets. The principle of attaching the pack bags to the bicycle with belts or the like has been considered to be a distinguishing criterion for the trekking/travel wheel.
2 years ago

Have you got a purchase recommendation for a specific model

Nope. No person has experience with different equivalent models. It is primarily about the individual ideas regarding equipment, geometry, appearance etc.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, you have to make the decision alone. Each of us has his favorites.

And backpacking: I rather use the classic luggage racks and lowriders. More space and deeper emphasis. And this is more unusual with Carbon.

You might look at several wheels. And also the classic bikes.- Maybe you need two different? Just one for traveling and one for everyday life?

For example, I use a cross wheel for the evening tours. And a special bike for travel. And the last time I looked at a race bike…

P.S.: The bike is made of aluminium. No carbon.