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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You can’t say that. Not only can different colored pills be filled differently, but even identical pills. Ecstasy is not a standard product, which is why we cannot expect a consistent quality. Look at how different optically similar pills can be obtained:

Those who deal with illegal drugs should also deal with the topic of drug checking. Just so you can make sure you get what you want. Although parts are usually massively overdosed, so that a fraction would be sufficient for a full-fledged experience, it is quite possible that these “too little” or even no MDMA and additionally or entirely other active ingredients are present. Read here:

Only when you know exactly what actually takes can you estimate whether the effects that occur are rather normal or unnormal. What can be considered in general are interactions with other drugs or drugs.

You can find many general information about the possible effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption here:

2 years ago

Every idiot can buy a pill press. Form and color are not a unique feature of a manufacturer, then it would be easy for the drug phasing. And even if the pill comes from the same manufacturer, it must also come from the same batch and even then the pills can still have been pressed with different amount of powder (differently thick). A prediction and hand of shape and color, as a certain pill pill acts, is completely impossible.

2 years ago

With other colors and other effects, it’s… This depends on the dealer at most. The active ingredient remains the same: MDMA. What was not mixed with pure one cannot say therefore the effect of pill to pill differs.