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9 months ago

“If hair grows in young years, then causes such as post-traumatic stress disorder, a lot of stress or a mineral deficiency due to unbalanced diet can cause a pigment disorder in the hair. Likewise, overacidification of the body can be a cause and cause a roughness in young years. Because by overacidification, hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by the normal human metabolism in small amounts in the body and in the hair, can only be dissipated very poorly or no longer at all. Hydrogen peroxide is known, inter alia, as bleaching agent. It prevents the formation of melanin.”
Source:,Pigmentst%C3%B6rung%20in%20den%20Haaren%20 cause.

9 months ago

The genetics? You can’t influence that. If the mother’s father also got young gray hair, this can also be inherited.

Otherwise, it can also be a genetic mutation. Vitamin D deficiency certainly not. My mother was not in the sun for almost 15 years (sun allergy) and has not got any gray hair

9 months ago

with 35 to 40 is already younger. And that could have been three or four generations ago.

9 months ago

Can’t try to fill up the nutrients – it can’t hurt, probably you will only experience a lot of positive and fill up with yourself 🙂

9 months ago

This is usually simply genetically conditioned and not to change or somehow alarming. So the parents are guilty if you want it.

9 months ago
