Gratis VPN “nur” für YouTube?
Ich würde mir gerne ein paar Videos von Bob Ross ansehen, von denen leider ja 90+% in Deutschland gesperrt sind. Auch nur, weil Deutschland mal wieder Faxen mit Datenschutz und Urheberrecht macht…naja…
Jedenfalls gehts in Dtl nicht 🙂
Hat jemand einen Tipp, wie man an einen brauchbaren f2u VPN rankommt, um den Quatsch zu umgehen?
Für’s IPad wärs cooler aber PC reicht genauso
there are browsers that have already implemented from home or try with TOR
or look here free vpn at DuckDuckGo
from… a guarantee is not that it really sparks
With Tor has worked:D
Thanks for the tip
you can also watch in the media library (only a few days online) Broadcast/bob-ross/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL2Jyb2FkY2FzdFNlcmllcy82YmM4YzFhMS1mYWQxLTRiMmYtOGRjYi0wZjk5YTk4YzU3ZTA
I saw that, too, but I was hoping I had some time.
Just wait for the new screen…but probably it’s the easiest thing if I just find out about it and save it by screen record itself, thanks for remembering:D
Edit: Meh, my mistake, too early happy xD These are unfortunately also very few and especially the rather unspectacular motifs
No VPN can guarantee you.
Streaming providers are going to block exitpoints from VPN services.
In how far Youtube is blocked is only Youtube known.
YouTube usually does not block VPNs and if, then only due to abusive use (space, Click-Farms, Malvertising, etc.)
Good to know – in this case, the VPN service itself would be wuppet.