Gras wächst nicht nach dem Vertikutieren?

Hallo zusammen, ich habe vor 3 Wochen meinen Garten aufgrund erhöhter Moosbildung vertikutiert. Es wurde anständig gewässert. Man sieht auf dem Foto, dass auf der linken Seite (Sonnenseite) mehr Gras gewachsen ist. Auf der rechten Seite sieht es weiterhin sehr kahl aus. Ich habe nach dem Vertikutieren gedüngt und gesät und danach gewalzt. Nach 2 Wochen erneut gesät. Für jegliche Ratschläge wäre ich sehr dankbar, da ich nun langsam nervös werde bei diesem Anblick:-/

Viele Grüße:-)

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1 year ago

In contrast to all others, I wouldn’t suggest that the roots take away the water from the lawn. Shouldn’t play a big role in that you should always water the seed and keep the soil moist throughout.

How warm is it with you?
To germinate the lawn, you need more than 15 degrees. This can be difficult with an area lying in the shadow. In addition, the seed in the shade naturally needs longer than in the sun.

Have you prepared the soil in a reasonable way beforehand (shortened, moss, small roots and stones removed, planted fertilizers with high phosphorus content)? What seed did you take?

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto2222

A few days over 15 degrees are not enough. The seed needs a long time to germinate.

What was the original product? I would advise you not to buy your own brand from the building market or seeds from the discounter (classical: Berlin animal garden), but a branded product and then the mentioned shade grass.

I’d be sowing in your place. Raise soil, remove stones and roots, apply seeds, at best press over/seed with a roll and then water daily.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, I don’t have a shaded grass, but pralle sun/a lawn lying on the south side. Unfortunately, I do not have personal experiences with concrete seeds.
With the products from Neudorff I have had good experiences. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have a pure shadow turf. Otherwise natureflow.

1 year ago

It’s easy to explain. On the right side, the surface is penetrated with roots of the life trees,Eibe etc.,(more difficult to recognize). These partly small roots draw the water from the surface for their use. So it doesn’t help you to sow, fertilize or even plant something. Because they all will not come into operation as a competitor and lack of nutrients and water. There are some kinds of grasses to sow like gravel grass that come clear with such circumstances and thrive. Scot grass is the grass, which is sewn on narrow edges of the road, partly in bulkheads or granules. Therefore also the name. There are also shadow grasses. For this reason, please inquire again in specialist trade, perhaps cooperatives, which are interesting for agriculture. Where farmers order and buy their seed. They are happy to advise.

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto2222

I’d like to advise. All right. It will be…

1 year ago

I like the hedge!

And you can see how the roots draw out the water.

For me, the hedge goes too much into the width. I wouldn’t shorten them, but I’d definitely cut ‘conical’.

I don’t know how the hedge supplies water on the other side and how deep or high the groundwater level is?

When the lawn is constantly watered, the hedge forms flat roots. She should root deep!

On the side to see, I would cut the upper roots with a long knife. All 50 cm of the total length after, about 20 cm deep. Later all 2 shrubs also cross and 30 – 40 cm deep.

When moss grows, the soil is overacidified! Instead of using iron fertilizer against moss.

1 year ago

Either the hedge pulls the water away from the grass or it has already been displaced by the moss that you have to see.

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto2222

Try it with water, a little each day (ground not wet, but slightly moist). I think the hedge is very thirsty.

1 year ago

Grass grow only at temperatures from 16°C

1 year ago

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