Gras von Deutschland nach Österreich Zug?

Hi, wenn man mit der Schule von D nach Ö auf Klassenfahrt mit dem Zug fahren würde würde man da probleme bekommen bzgl Gras? also laufen da Polizisten durch den Zug? Evtl. mit Hund? Manfährt ja auch durch bayern da würde ich sagen ist es sogar wahrscheinlicher oder? sogar mehr als bei der Grenze von Ö und DE?

Das ganze ist natürlich ein fiktives Szenario und stellt keinerlei planung einer Straftat dar. Es handelt sich ausschließlich um Fiktion

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1 year ago

Imagine you’re getting caught and the whole class has to stop the whole class drive…

Imagine you’ll get caught, you’ll be separated from the class and then you need to be picked up by your parents at the border crossing…

Imagine you’re getting caught, you’re being searched, you have to pull out completely, get a criminal prosecution hung up and be responsible for you in a few months before a judge…

Sometimes it is not worth wanting to stand in front of some classmates as a superhero with smuggled grass.

1 year ago
Reply to  BobvomBau360

Because you can’t pause?

1 year ago

Austria is part of the Schengen area, so customs controls are very unlikely. Within Germany much less. If you weren’t supposed to take drugs anyway, on the one hand, you’re a minor and shouldn’t take drugs anyway, on the other hand, it’s not a nice experience in front of all your friends if something goes wrong and your parents need to pick you up in Austria. The couple of days you’ll probably get out without the stuff and still have a nice time.

1 year ago

you should be purely hypothetical to make sure that you don’t have the witness on the man, so hide it somewhere, that in the case of finding out, that doesn’t even fall thoughtfully.

1 year ago

In the trains between Bavaria and Austria, the police are very often on the move. It’s called veil infection.

And these are experienced officials who look at a small box at the nose.

1 year ago

The customs are not sleeping.

And that’s not fiction.