Gras “knall” nicht?
Hey zusammen, ich kiffe seit circa 5 Monaten, da ich öfter mit starken Bauchschmerzen und Übelkeit zu kämpfen habe, bin aber nie “High”. Ich rauche z.B. mit meinen Freunden, ich merke schon, wie meine Freunde immer mehr Lachen und gut drauf sind. Erzählen mir immer, wie schön es diesmal war, wie sie am “fliegen” waren und wie lustig Zeichentrick Serien z.B. sind. (Viele davon Kiffen Jahre lang)
Wieso ist es bei mir nie so? Ich merke immer wenn ich rauche, dass sich mein Körper minimal entspannt und das wars dann auch, ich werde ab und zu total tollpatschig und das war dann mein Vergnügen.
Ich rauche eigentlich nur Joints (pur) 1-2g am Tag.
(Ist meine Toleranz einfach zu hoch?) -> gibt Leute die Jahre Lang kiffen und etwas merken..
Ich habe mir auch einen Vaporizer gekauft, wo ich sagen muss, dass ich dadurch noch weniger merke.
Eine “Bong” habe ich mir auch zugelegt, dass macht aber meine Lunge noch nicht ganz mit, da ich auch kein “normaler Raucher” bin.
Nun an die Stoner unter euch, gibt es etwas, dass mich mal “so richtig High” macht.
Die Amerikaner reden immer von “Green out” die kiffen seit Jahren und sind Dauer breit:D
You’re probably a low responder. There is. Of course, if you smoke less for a while, the effect will be stronger again, but if you smoke as much and it happens almost nothing you have either low dosed grass, or just as just described.
Hey, less smoking probably won’t bring anything, because I didn’t notice the first paintings much, except that I got tired… my friends smoke the same thing, so I don’t think it’s low dose..
If you smoke 2g a day, take a break for a few weeks. You grind every day, of course you got used to it and it just doesn’t change your condition so much.
In America, you just get different grass than here.
This is clear to me, just how can it be that my friends have been crying for years without a break (same amount as me) but they are wide and I don’t:D I never really became wide at my first paintings, but only tired.
Everyone reacts differently to THC. You have a different metabolism. Besides, they may not smoke as much as they say.
Take a break. Ciffing every day is not so horny.
Yeah, that’s not that horny, I know myself, I’m just doing it because it helps me with my belly pain and I’m dying otherwise, until I get a doctor appointment:D now I thought I’d do the best and shoot me right away
Would simply try another ot, so no stani ot
I think your tolerance is too high. It’s the same with me.
But how can my tolerance be too high, but my friends do not have these problems.
Smoking your friends all as much and as long as you?
Many of them longer, but about the same amount
Take a break for at least a few days and then smoke.
Then you’ll see. When you grind every day, you won’t get high.
That is why I only rarely do it so that it works properly and what remains special. I’ve stolen five years every day and believe me someday it’ll catch you.
Life is so much more beautiful without being dependent on something every day that you can also harm psychologically. (The dose makes the poison)
As soon as my abdominal pain & nausea stops, I will also let the ciffs be, but I thought so long I’ll make myself a nice time:-D
It’s okay, but don’t pay attention to being stuck in the addiction.
At some point, it’ll be damn hard to stop.
It’s just a lot better to make it just occasionally. You have more effect of it, more money, your psychic is better and at some point the high condition is quite normal for one and the actual normal condition, unnormal.
But it also depends on what you smoke, but meanwhile there is only THC-excited weed, where there is hardly any CBD, which has little to do with the real weed of then.
Try it really with a bong, your lungs will get used to it after a time and a bong is definitely the best to get “maximum” high.
Tolerance will not lie, I have consumed myself for years and can tell you that even after years of daily consumption you have no complete tolerance.
Did you tip me to get used to the bong? with which quantity start, how long draw or is it easy learning by Doing:D
Yes it’s really learning by doing, buy yourself a not too big bong and just try a little bit.
Your lung will get used to it relatively quickly, believes that the first Bong buttons are always very brutal.
I’m pretty sure it’s always relatively good stuff, as just as I said I have this problem, my people are always relatively high and can hardly talk:-D
But I will definitely try it again with the bong or just smoke more:D
I smoke every day 2-4 joints each with 0.4 to 0.6 per, maybe just once bigger build or more smoke, will help:D
Guess how much you want to smoke for yourself and then just smoke your head, so until it doesn’t burn anymore.
But just something like coughing and red eyes are actually signs that stand for an effect, do you have the stuff you’re looking at? Is it pure clean grass?
My first bong head was coughing pure, with bang red eyes, but hardly any effect:D
Do you prefer to pull or make more in?:-D