Grammatikalische Struktur folgenden Satzes?

Hi meine japanische Freundin hat einen Satz gelesen und möchte im Zuge ihres Studiums nun wissen was die grammatikalische Struktur (Subjekt, Objekt etc.) folgenden Satzes ist:

Ich glaube, dass die europäische Kultur das völlige Erlöschen der christlichen Religion, nicht überleben könnte.

Danke im Voraus ❤️

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8 months ago

I believe that European culture is the complete extinction of Christian religion [no comma here!] could not survive

  • In the main set is the personnel pronoun I (1 P Sg, Nom) is the subject, and believe (Premium 3 Sg). The subset (“object set”), led by the conjunction that
  • In addition, European culture the subject (darin is European an attribute to Culture), and could not survive is the predicate (the Modalverb the in Konj. 3 Sg, and Survival dependent on it infinitive). The object (so what you cannot survive) the redemption with two attributes, namely the adjective Total and the genitive Religion (again an adjective as an attribute: Christian).
8 months ago

Grammatical structure of the sentence:

Set type: Main set, statement set 🤓


* Subject: “I” (personal pronouns) 🙋 ♂️

* Predicate: “belief” (Verbum) 💭

* Object: “that European culture could not survive the complete redemption of Christian religion”


* Subject: “European Culture” (Nomen) 🇪🇺

* Predicate: “can not survive” (Modalverb + Verb) 🚫

* Object: “The Complete Savior of Christian Religion” (Nomen) ✝️

More details:

* The adjunct “that European culture could not survive the complete redemption of Christian religion” is a conjunction that expresses the faith of the subject (“I”). 💭

* The modal verb “can” expresses error. 🙅

The negation “not” tends to “survive” the verb. ❌

In summary, it can be said that the sentence is a complex main set with an auxiliary set that has the grammatical structures subject-predicate object and subject-predicate object. 🤓

8 months ago

• Main set: I believe (subject + predicate)

• Subdivision: that European culture could not survive the complete redemption of Christian religion (conjunction + subject + battery object + negation particles + predicate)

8 months ago

The last comma is wrong for the first time.

“I” is the subject, “believe” the predicate.