Grafiktreiber Probleme?

jedes mal ich eine DirectX Anwendung stürz mein Grafiktreiber ab mit der Fehlermeldung: “DirectX function “Dx12Renderer::waitOnSwapChain Gpu

timeout detected” failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG(“The GPU will not respond to more commands”)

Was kann ich dagegen Tun?

ich habe den Grafik Treiber schon mit DDU deinstalliert und neu aufgesetzt auch eine Ältere version des Treibers installiert.

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2 months ago

That sounds like a frustrating problem! Here are some steps you can try to fix the problem:

  1. Check system compatibility: Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for the application you want to run.
  2. Check integrity of game files: Sometimes game files can be damaged. Check the integrity of the game files via the platform on which you have installed the game (e.g. Steam).
  3. Update DirectX: Make sure you have installed the latest version of DirectX.
  4. Clean restart: Run a clean restart of your system to ensure that no third-party applications cause the problem.
  5. Windows System File Checker: Run the Windows System File Checker tool to search for damaged system files and repair them.

I hope these steps will help you! If the problem continues, it might be helpful to contact the support of the game developer or GPU manufacturer.

2 months ago

What can I do about it?

might check with the card manufacturer what driver it recommends for your card model and use this driver exactly instead of the reference driver the GPU manufacturer provides.

2 months ago

“Device Hung” means that the device has hung up and no longer accepts commands.

This comes, in my eyes, from overloading the graphics card and thus a defect due to lack of cooling.

If the card turns out, then the mistake will also disappear…

The fact that an outdated driver leads to “Device Hung” is not obvious to me.

Buy a stronger card because the old one was too weak for your requirements…

2 months ago

I think the map is…

give some data: board with which UEFI version, CPU, GPU, win and what system build, which GPU recorder is installed?

then… is the gpu card right in the slot? External electricity?

Fan clean? Do the fans turn?