Grafikkarte Spulenfiepen?
Ich habe mir vor kurzem die Sapphire Pulse RX 7900XT gekauft.
Nun, sie hat hörbares Spulenfiepen.
Ich habe mal versucht, das Ganze aufzunehmen. Hier ist die Audio-Datei:
Ich hoffe man kann’s einigermaßen hören.
Würdet ihr die Karte dennoch behalten oder zurückschicken? Bin mir unschlüssig.
You only have a right to refund or Repair or replacement if the product has proven to have a defect due to the manufacturer which makes it impossible to use the product or at least greatly restricts it.
What’s not the case with you. Coil fever is completely normal and no reason to get a new card. Especially since you will probably have the same problem with this one.
To reduce the noise, use FPS limiters or reduce the power limit of the card.
The Fps are already limited to 144Fps. My old RX 6750 XT from XFX was definitely quieter.
And most of the dealers take back tickets for coil fiepes from Kulanz.
Besides, the card is not 14 days old, so I could just make use of the revocation…
If your RX otherwise doesn’t make any problems, I’d keep this in any case. Coil fiepen is normal, at least as long as the fiepen occurs with increased utilization of the card.
“In the case of NVIDIA cards, coil fiepen is also a topic, but that is within limits. I’ve never had a map of MSI that had coil fipes, and I’ve never been with Asus. The only manufacturer I always had Fiepen/Rasseln was Gigabyte.”
But my colleague has AMD cards for years and can sing a song of it and is not a defect
Undervolt, power limit down, FPS limit and wait will make coil fiepen disappear almost in the future even without the interventions.
Fps Limit and Undervolt have brought nothing to date
It just takes time. Otherwise, send them back and buy a Black Edition.
I don’t like, defect, not complete, number of articles is wrong, etc
What can you say? If I didn’t send back, I wouldn’t bother myself.
Would you indicate the graphics card as a defect? Where coil fiepen is actually not a defect.
So 14 days revocation makes more sense in the case?
Yes is by XFX
You can’t do anything for the goods
Mindfactory shows me the bird at some point when I send half of what I order back😅
First a Bequiet Pure Power 12m due to extreme coil fiepes under load, then a Seasonic power supply due to a loud rattle although the Pc was not even on, then possibly the graphics card…
Black Edition is byXfx?