Grafikkarte macht nichts, was kann ich tun?
Ich habe mir diesen PC zusammengestellt und aufgebaut:
Der PC leuchtet wenn ich ihn anmache und scheint zu funktionieren, aber ich bekomme kein Bild, weder wenn ich einen Bildschirm am Motherboard anschließe noch an der Grafikkarte, die Ventilatoren der Grafikkarte rotieren auch nicht, während alle anderen im PC eingebauten (2 allein stehende Ventilatoren und die des Liquid Coolers) rotieren.
Die Stromkabel sind angeschlossen und die Grafikkarte sitzt gut im PCIe Slot des Mainboards.
Es gibt auch keine Kabel die die Ventilatoren blockieren.
Woran kann das liegen?
Kann es sein, dass 750 Watt zu wenig sind? Mir wurde gesagt das sollte reichen.
Did you also test the connection of the monitor when the graphics card was still removed?
No. The power supply is easy
A 750W power supply is not too weak, it is more oversized. The PC will burn between 400W and 450W at full load. Even a good 550W power supply would have been enough for this, including a small reserve.
But if the PC was only assembled from the parts that are on the list, then it cannot work. On the list missing the RAM and without RAM the nix becomes.
mfG computer tomb
Yes the RAM is no longer available and is no longer displayed, of course it has 32gb DDR5 Ram built in and can post the exact one if that is of some importance
Reset the BIOS. To do this, you take out the BIOS battery of your motherboard for a few minutes and can bridge the minus and plus pole of the battery space with a metallic object like a screwdriver. Then the whole BIOS should be “forgot”.
This helped me because my computer did not want to start with a new graphics card (RTX 4060 Ti 16G).
Bzw should have a decent MB there is also a BIOS reset button without which you need to remove the battery
My motherboard actually has a reset slot, but I lost the jumper 🙈. It works like that.
likely to hurt again