GPU untertakten?

Hallo, ich möchte meine RX 6800 untertakten, damit mein PC nicht dauernd crasht.

Wahrscheinlich liegt es an meinem Netzteil, daher möchte ich die GPU untertakten, damit sie wenig last hat und auch kaum Stromverbraucht. Das ist natürlich nur vorübergehend.

Wie mach ich das hier?

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5 months ago

A functional graphics card cannot cause a crash under factory specifications.

Either the card is defective or the crashes are caused by something else.

Either way, regardless of what is the actual cause, you only increase the risk of instability by changing the factory specification. You also lose the warranty and take the risk of shortening the card’s life or even damaging it irreparably.

5 months ago

On the way, a 850 watt power supply is certainly not too weak and if it is not defective, I would exclude it as a cause.

have operated my RX6800 XT along with a Ryzen 9 5900x ne entire time with a 700 Watt power supply without any problems.

How does the crash work? Are the temperatures okay?

5 months ago

Wouldn’t be smarter to buy a new power supply through the downclock you lose power. Theoretically, you could just go into the minus at the Powelimit always step in slow. This limits your GPU that it only draws as much power as it can according to the power limit, that is then below the normal TDP. Yeah, but look down on the Internet I’ve never done it before to pay attention to something.

5 months ago
Reply to  tenyy

I mean, I’ve always made it up and I’ve seen it in the adrenaline software that it’s more like normal just look with the software itself.

5 months ago

It’s already