GPU kaputt?
hey, ich habe grade aus dem nichts ein black screen bekommen und den sound gehört, als wenn man einen usb stick oder so aus dem pc ziehen würde. Ist meine GPU kaputt?
hey, ich habe grade aus dem nichts ein black screen bekommen und den sound gehört, als wenn man einen usb stick oder so aus dem pc ziehen würde. Ist meine GPU kaputt?
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Huh? A blackscreen can also simply mean that the box is smeared. Turn off the PC once, then turn on again and then it will show up.
Don’t think. Graphic cards usually show symptoms such as artifacts and image errors beforehand. According to my experience, graphics cards are quite robust. So think your system is crashed and the sound can also come from that that your driver for the USB keyboard is sailed at the same time.
A blackscreen just because you pull the USB stick. Who doesn’t know…
No information on your part. No information on the GPU, no to the power supply and no indication at what moment this happened.
It could be that the power supply is too weak and could simply not deliver enough juice to the GPU during the ticking. Or the power supply is strong enough, but has a defect or is very old and does not manage with the load changes/voltage peaks. Or the power supply is supposedly “strong enough”, but is a cheaper no-name Chinaböller.
But that’s just guessing.
was bem yotube. I talked about that sound came when WÜRDE one pull a usb stick (WINDOWS USB CONNECT SOUND EFFECT | MEMESOUNDS | VIRAL SOUNDS | FUNNY SOUNDS ( but in the windows 11 version) the GPU is a 4060 ti, power supply is from be quiet 100-240 vac. It’s just a year old. Have I downloaded a wallpaper on wallpaper engine, does that have to do with it, as they are animated and can play music?!
Probably not. Why would they just break up from a moment on the other? How about you just go up the PC?
that was never there, only the picture was gone
If your GPU was suddenly broken, the PC wouldn’t just go on.