Gpu Kabel defekt oder normal?
Ich wollte nur mal zur Sicherheit nachfragen, ob das normal ist, das da ein pin fehlt oder ob das Kabel defekt ist. Das Kabel ist das Netzteilkabel vom Corsair Rmx 850 und wurde mit noch einem anderen 8 pin, wo auch ein pin fehlt, geliefert. Ich will einfach nicht, das irgendwas schief geht, wenn ich meine neue Graka anschließe, deswegen frage ich.
That’s perfectly normal. There are always pins in the plugs. That’s it.
So you can join and use without any problems.
Thank you for the help that calms me
It is not normal that a pin is missing in a power supply cable. The missing pins could cause problems in the power supply of the GPU. Check the cable carefully and replace it with uncertainties by a complete cable to avoid possible damage.
Yes, that is perfectly normal and so intended.
The one pin of the malt should provide polishing protection.
No, the pins are partially doubled and it is not necessary to plug a cable in there. In the mainboard, this is due to the fact that a cable is no longer needed and has been thrown out.
For graphics cards, manufacturers have also gone away from the extra mass pin. Usually, but not always hang on a double 6+2 pin, where there are 8 and 7 pins in it. Basically, the 8 pin layout already provides 2 mass pins. Finally, only one is necessary.
It’s just not being built anymore and solved differently. Pollution protection is not.