GPT das Modell downloaden?


mir ist bewusst, dass man über die OpenAI-API das GPT-3 und das GPT-4-Modell nutzen kann.

Gibt es aber die Modelle irgendwo zu downloaden, statt über die API auf sie zuzugreifen? Schätzungsweise müssten sie “nur” ein paar Terrabyte groß sein, daher meine Hoffnung, dass sie irgendwo verbreitet worden sind?

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1 year ago

Simple answer? No!

And OpenAI would also be quite stupid if they would allow it to be downloaded somewhere, after all their entire business model is based on it.

1 year ago
Reply to  javaprog

In order to be able to publish it, OpenAI would have had to allow someone to come to all the data and copy and dispense it.

1 year ago

The model can be found, but it does not use anything without “trained” data. In GPT there are several years of trainees now, you have to get up…