Google-Rezensionen werden nicht hochgeladen?
Ich habe ein Problem mit meinen Google-Rezensionen. Wenn ich eine schreibe und poste, wird sie automatisch entfernt und es kommt diese Fehlermeldung. Ich schreibe immer nur positive Rezensionen, nichts was gegen die Richtlinien verstoßen könnte. Es gibt einen Button wo man Einspruch einlegen kann damit das Ganze nochmal geprüft wird, trotzdem funktioniert es meist nicht. Hat da jemand Erfahrungen?
Google does not believe that you have been anywhere, used the service or products, and now, like on the conveyor, post positive reviews.
This looks more like you’re paying for positive reviews and your reviews are just a fake.
The algorhymtus is not stupid either! For example, if you were supposed to have visited 20 Resautarnts in a radius of 50 km on a weekend; oh, unlikely or don’t you think!? O
Or that you ordered 20 new beds from 20 companies in the month, etc!? o_O
So: Either dispense with the reviews – there is no reason to evaluate ALL and JEDEN – or call Google and explain it personally with Denen!
With the reviews that were not uploaded, there are a total of 3 reviews. One of them was actually uploaded (does not know why it worked suddenly). So it is also not the case that I feel 100 positive reviews vergebe😅 as well, they are not uploaded😂
You seem to be in suspicion.
Well, apparently, the algorithm doesn’t believe you were really customer there. If it’s only positive reviews, it’s probably due to desires. Maybe your information doesn’t cover with your Google Maps location history or something.