Golf V Motor verdreckt?
Hallo, ich habe einen Golf V 1.6 FSI und seit Wochen leuchtet die Motorkontrollleuchte auf. Es wurde von der Werkstatt ein Reiniger verwendet, der den Motor in Kombination mit Langstreckenfahrten „sauber spülen sollte“ hat nichts gebracht. Die Werkstatt meint, es würde am durch Kurzstrecke verursachten verschlammt/verdreckten Motor + AGR Ventil liegen und hat mir das Ventil nun gewechselt. Nach dem Wechsel konnte das Auto kaum noch fahren, es hat beim fahren und stehen stark geruckelt und ist anschließend stehengeblieben, dies würde am Dreck vom Motor liegen, der das neue Ventil verstopft hätte. Dieses wurde dann wieder gereinigt und jetzt brennt seit gestern wieder die Motorkontrollleuchte. Die Werkstatt meint, man könnte das AGR Ventil ausbauen und dann geht es wieder. (Für was wurde es dann eingebaut?)
Insgesamt kam mich die ganze Aktion 460€ und mein Auto ist immer noch kaputt. Richtig reinigen könnte man den Motor nicht , aber es muss doch eine Lösung dafür geben? Bitte um Ratschlag. LG
What could be your problem is the so-called oil slurry that arises due to condensed water in the oil during short distance driving extremely well the fsi engines tend to this you only get away with longer distances Ner oil mud flushing and multiple oil changes so that you get the mud out of the engine and leave the fingers of the E10 there is the water content in the fuel higher grip even possibly to premium fuel that has the least water percentage and also in the oil better for a few cents
Oil sludge does not generate error
When this causes all the oil channels to clog even the crap ne error message I have seen
in the case of direct injectors, the suction paths coke. The problem is all manufacturers and first/mostly short-haul cars. injector+coking+intake paths
However, coking is also part of the maintenance deficiencies of workshops or customers who do not want to make the precautionary investments. If the child then fell into the well, there will be megateuers or there will also be motor damage.
The simplest method is to regularly change the oil (12 months/12000km) or use the “right” oil for short distance 6 months 6000km) and the “right” oil (Thema evaporation loss value/NOAK). This can be a cheap building market oil doesn’t have to last 2 years like chemical “longlife sauces”. In addition, short-haul cars should “be blown through” once a month, so come to operating temperature and then 50km distance over the highways. So visit 1ml a month distant relatives or nee small trip saves possibly 1000ende €. If you do not muddle the engine the crankcase ventilation is set and you suck oil sludge into the combustion chambers.
In KFZ mechanic sees and smells as oil sludge during oil change and takes care of the problem (oil mud flushing, KGH venting, suction side piercing, scratching crusts from valve lid and oil pan, oiling) before it gradates. But the generation of mechtronics does not care about the problem or it is not included in the order of oil change.
Then you tell the customer that he has a massive oil mud problem in the engine that you have to work quickly and consequently, and most say “sweet” and change the workshop because you obviously want to rip off. If the engine dies later, there are still regres letters because the subject is listed in the invoice. Because motor damage can result in accidents, the due diligence is required. That’s why you write this into the account (required to display)
AGR valves are part of exhaust gas cleaning and improve the lean mix running behavior in engines without camshaft adjustment on the outlet side. The engine then runs “softer”. AGR has been available since 1966 (Oldsmobile Tornado) up to the 80s it was necessary to clean or renew the AGR valve every 5000-10000km during the inspection, and then the new generation of disposables that was renewed every 40,000 km or if the added and from the 90s keep AGR valves just as long as the defect is or the engine swallowed is alos at least 5 years, That is technical progress. The customer declares that his AGR valve is added or defective and renewed is also often a disaster. If the customers still get through TÜV, you’re the “Abzocker”.