Golf 7 GTI/GTD/Variant oder Passat Variant?
Ich möchte mir nun ein vernünftiges Auto kaufen , und zwar nun meine Frage welche der beiden ist besser bzw lohnt sich mehr . Fahre im Jahr ca 20.000km , sprich Auto sollte nicht mehr wie 20.000 runter haben . Mein Budget liegt ca bei 20.000 bis 25.000davon werden 15.000 Euro angezahlt der rest läuft über die hausbank
20000 km per year could be a problem with the modelling. Since sprit prices are currently very expensive, I would recommend you to choose a hybrid car. Zb golf gte or passat gte would be my recommendation. I’d advise you completely to let the house bank finate. Best at autobank, but also you have to watch which dealers give you how much interest
My father had also financed a car at the VW Hausbank and is at 0.9 percent interest rate
That’s very vague 30 years ago or so
Today the interest is about 7-8% if coronary, perhaps even more than 10%
hybrid is not bad but rather prefer the same, I have already written off
Then he financed it a car bank and not a house bank. You are aware that hausbank require more interest than autobank or normal bank. In the worst case, you pay for a car only zinsen and nix other things, which goes up very quickly afterwards
yes, but the car he bought / financed in 2019