Golf 3 Schaltknüppel lässt sich um eigene Achse drehen?
Servus Leute,
ich habe folgendes Problem:
an meinem Golf 3 Cabrio (1E7) Bj 1997, lässt sich der Schaltknüppel um seine eigene Achse drehen.
Ich hab mich etwas im Internet belesen und vermute es ist ein Kunststoffteil was kaputt gegangen ist.Ich finde dazu aber kein Ersatzteil im Internet. Anscheinend kann man das ganze von unten aufschrauben aber da ich kein Fachmann bin, wollte ich erstmal hier fragen ob jemand das gleiche Problem hat/hatte und mir Rat geben kann.
Ich bin dankbar über jede Antwort!
First you should see what’s going on.
The thread is usually worn in the switch knob. Either get a new switch knob – or stick the existing one.
I’ll check him out later. Sounds plausible. My guess was only on a plastic part because broken plastic parts were under the cover.
Your guess is right. That’s what happened to me. There is no thread in the switch knob.
I’ll take a closer look at this later. Thank you for all your answers!
Then the knob is not original – or the thread has already passed.
I’d fix the whole thing with hot glue. Because with a little force you get it back when it has to be – and you can always lever the old glue out with the screwdriver. In addition, the hot adhesive fills cracks and unevennesses.
Does that look so similar to you?
With my nearly 2 years old golf 8, it is still so much solved. This is a misconfiguration of engineers who have to be called idiots. This black plastic part is pressed onto the ribbed metal rod with a special squeeze rod. This creates high tensions in the plastic that eventually lead to cracks in the plastic and breaks it. I’ve been renewed for warranty last week.
This looks a little different with me, the part is probably called a clamping sleeve. It also turns the complete rod down, not only at the top of the knob.