Goldfish in aquarium without plant acclimatization period?


Today we set up a new aquarium with plants, decorations, etc., but (I just read) plants need an acclimatization period of about two weeks to develop the most important bacteria. Will the fish (goldfish) be able to cope?


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5 years ago


Unfortunately, you seem to have not really informed you thoroughly. The plants do not need a soaking time (although it does well) but in the filter material (and in the ground) important bacteria have to settle.

High-toxic pollutants (= ammonia and nitrite) are produced by feed residues and fish excretions. These pollutants reach quickly and high in the water and then block the absorption of oxygen in the fish.

Proven bacteria that have at least a development time of 3 weeks are there to oxidize non-toxic plant food from these toxins.

For this reason MUSS a new aquarium at least. Enter 3 weeks of WITHOUT fish. It is useful to provoke the pollution of the water and to promote the development of the bacteria, to give some fish food into the water daily.

Nevertheless, it takes at least 3 weeks before the first!! Fish must enter – not all at once, because then the bacteria would be overwhelmed and there would be a renewed increase in ammonia and nitrite.

Good success


5 years ago

How big is your aquarium? Certainly too small for goldfish. You can only save the fish by at least daily. half of the water exchanges and over several weeks. Until these important bacteria have formed. And please don’t feed too much – fish don’t starve so fast, but die very quickly from the described poisons.

5 years ago
Reply to  dsupper

It is always astonishing as some interpret the term run-in time, it would be logically so simple!

5 years ago

The means doesn’t use anything, it’s absolutely out-of-the-box money. You never need such means.

5 years ago

This is a means of binding heavy metal ions in the tap water. They are complexed by EDTA.

5 years ago

If you had read a book “Aquaristics for Beginners” before, all these mistakes would not have happened. If you want to care for animals, you must inform yourself very well beforehand, because the animals are absolutely dependent on you and when they die ….

5 years ago

You may be able to save something else: there are starter bacteria to buy which are available on the filter material.

5 years ago
Reply to  raubkatze

However, these artificial bacteria do not use anything, because both nitrobacters and nitrosomonas are aerobic bacteria that need oxygen from running water – how should this be possible in bottles? That’s why they die as fast as a filter does not run.

5 years ago

For entering the aquarium, dsupper has already expressed quite correctly and comprehensively. There is only a lack of answer to the question of whether the fish will make it. The problem in an unexpired aquarium is that there are no bacteria that convert toxic ammonia and nitrite from the excretions of the fish into largely unproblematic nitrate. It threatens a deadly poisoning. If the fish stick to the surface in a healing manner, this is an inconvenient sign for a beginning poisoning. Then SOFORT must change 80% of the water to dilute the poison. Very likely this must be done for a few days every day.

Why goldfish? These are group animals that you have to keep at least three. And they will be R-I-E-S-I-G. With good feeding and without cold winter break (do not use) the 20cm length in 2 years. There are dozens of other species of fish that are better suited for an aquarium and are therefore much more straightforward to keep and which do not dig or eat the plants.

5 years ago

Apart from the fact that your pelvis has to enter several weeks, gold fish are cold water fish and do not belong permanently to the aquarium. At least over the summer they have to go to a pond.

5 years ago

It’s a lot of crap on the Internet. In fact, permanent temperatures above 20°C do not do well.

5 years ago

Goldfish are extremely heat-loving fish. Even if the completely abstruse upper limit is 20 degrees hi and there to read – it is completely wrong. The real upper limit is about 35 degrees.

It’s all but a fact you write, sorry.

5 years ago

In the small basin, you can raise gold-fishing babies for a few months. But they grow very fast at the beginning. After less than a year, they can’t stay in there anymore.

The gold fish substitute for mini-basins is called “Hyphessobrycon amandae”. Only 3cm long, absolutely peaceful, easy to care and the color also fits. They are insensitive to a wide range of different water values as long as the water is clean and free of poison. To make them feel safe, they need a good planting and a group of about 12 animals. For strong color it is recommended to feed frozen food, as well as lighting (as with all yellow and red fish) should not be too far in the cold white area. As with all fish, when shopping, you have to pay attention to healthy, well-nourished and strongly coloured animals when you want to enjoy it. If the aquarium is in a normal heated living room and the water temperature does not fall below 20°C in winter, no heating rod is required. Be careful when shopping, not confused with strawberry alms (Axelrodia risei), these are sensitive soft water specialists!

5 years ago

Goldfish must be cultivated in groups of at least five animals. Please bring that poor thing back and inform you right again.

5 years ago

You can’t hold goldfish in it! Goldfishes need PRO animals about 50 litres. And since they are kept in a group of at least 5 animals, the AQ must have at least 250 litres!!

Yes, even if they are still small!! In such a small AQ, they suffer very quickly from high-quality carnage growth with squeezed organs and crumbled spine columns.

5 years ago

This is too small for most goldfish(depending on breeding). A good kit for beginners would be a few snails, small armored species (e.g. Corydoras panda), live bearer (e.g. Guppies), and Ammanogarnelen

5 years ago

Can bring the goldfish back, plant the aquarium properly and let it go and then slowly worry about the occupancy. How big is it?

5 years ago


The aquarium itself needs this time of reconciliation.

The problem is that the excretions of the fish and causatively gambling plants of odsr feed residues pollute the water with the 2 potentially toxic substances nitrite and ammonia.

In an aquarium, trillion bacteria usually live, many of them in the filter that immediately degrade these substances. A new aquarium has too few of them.

There. So what’s the problem? Toxic substances in water. Which water is not poisonous? tap water.

In case of any problems make water change of 80 90%. 20 degrees, so don’t get fish.

Normally, a water change per week of 1/2- but now quietly change the first three weeks.


The goldfish is of limited suitability for normal-sized living room pools. Are you sure the dimensions are right between basin filters and fish? If no, please call.

Are it round body goldfish or normal…

Why haven’t you informed yourself before?

5 years ago
Reply to  Grobbeldopp


So I’m reading 1 little goldfish 56 liter- sas is nothing, the fish has to come back where it comes from. Neither the individual posture nor the pelvic size is ok.

A 1000 liter of pelvis is appropriate for the continuous maintenance of (long-stretched normal) goldfish!

5 years ago

Generally, there is probably not much going to happen, but bacteria have to grow, which then decompose the excretions of the animals. Missing these, the fish dies because the substances contained in the feces and urine are toxic.

This is also the reason why the goldfish die so early. Goldfish could be up to 15 years old

5 years ago

As far as I know, we also had fishes and we had not used the full time of reconciliation. They did it anyway. However, the bacteria had time, unlike you.

Did you clean such a liquid? That would be bacteria. The plants are right to do little

Vllt die your fish but you have to watch

5 years ago

You can also tilt water from an inflowing basin into your AQ and squeeze the filter sponge from a running basin in it.

5 years ago

There is such a liquid in which the bacteria are inside (no idea as they are now)