godot 4: “” aus array entfernen?
var welt -> Ausgabe: “Hello World”, “Hello World2”
nun der versuch -> str(welt).strip_edges(“”)
Das geht nicht.
Meine Wunschausgabe: Hello World, Hello World2
var welt -> Ausgabe: “Hello World”, “Hello World2”
nun der versuch -> str(welt).strip_edges(“”)
Das geht nicht.
Meine Wunschausgabe: Hello World, Hello World2
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Array or string or what?
Shows are obviously printable. For example, look at rstrip() and lstrip().
It doesn’t work. I can only delete the letters.
I do quite a lot about variable because I’m not so good and about gdscript.
I want to remove this ” sign
if I have
var a = “Hello World”
and then I will as output:
Hello world
it then lies on the representation must
I print(a))
or print(str(a))
or do something similar.
The problem is that it always deletes the letters within the “.
if I want:
if area.name in Global.House:
do something
Global.House = [“Tisch”, “Stuhl”]
problem now is, I found out about print:
area.name = table
Global.House = “Tisch”
so nothing happens
To remove the quotation marks from your array and output the elements as a string, you can create a function iterated by the array, convert each element to a string and merge the results. Here’s an example how you could do this:
In this function, the `replace()` method is used to remove the quotes, and `strip_edges()` to remove the last comma and spaces. You can then call this function as follows:
This method removes all quotation marks in the elements of the array and outputs the elements as a string separated by comma.
I’ve been looking for another solution now because I don’t understand what you wrote so 100%.
area entered (area):
var areaname = “\” + area.name + “\”
var areas = [“house”, attic]
if areaname in areas:
I used the print output.
When you enter the house area writes:
in areas:
[“House”, “Dachboden”]
even if I only have a var building and no array where only “house” is inside is the issue:
The output is ident, but if I look if areaname is in Gebaeude, it doesn’t matter
var areas = [“House”, “Dachboden”] it should be called here an error