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11 months ago


that is No Gobelin, if that’s your question!

gobeline the Woven fabrics or Embroidered; the parts around the face and décolleté look more like knitted wool out.

This is what a gobelin looks like:

This looks like a laity housewives work for me and is also No Artwork.

The inserted face of paper has a crack. Just like the white note below looks more like a badly cut paper piece.

That’s why it was on the attic.

The dealers of Bares for Rares will certainly not have any interest as it cannot be sold on.

They only accept rarities and real antiques.

Antiques must be at least customs 100 years old to be referred to as such. The photo speaks

A visit to an antique dealer/village house is not worthwhile.E.

The value – if this is your question – is due to unprofessional work and damage at zero.

11 months ago

I’d let someone look at it. Such parts were often produced and sold expensively as old works of art. Maybe it’s valuable.

In big cities, old-fashioned pawn houses can often look so fast without anyone recommending expensive expertise. Facebook also has groups “aniquities, art, etc. estimate”, as a few people also know each other (where then one likes to “embark” you for 10. Then I would become suspicious (🙂)

To do this, it should get out of the frame to look at the back.

Is the frame equipped with any stickers or stickers?

11 months ago

You can’t say anything without any signature. That’s what you’re asking. There may be comparative offers at ebay or similar. OYou have to sign up for Rares at Bares (but not forced to sell). Or you put some price in, write it like this and wait for one to buy it.

I think you can also pass without obligation on an antiquariat, sometimes there is if you do not want any expertise, at least a non-binding (!) assessment….