Gmx Account lässt sich nicht löschen?
ich möchte eine alte Email Adresse von gmx löschen. Aber jedes mal wenn ich auf löschen klicke kommt diese Meldung:
Gmx hat auch keinen Support den man anschreiben könnte.
Wie kann ich meinen Account löschen?
Simply read the message and act accordingly.
Just try again in a few days. With freshly started web browser and if necessary with deleted browser cache or after forced refresh of the page (so that it really reloads the page completely from its server and does not use an outdated version of the page/scripts from the cache of your computer).
It is clear as long as you cannot reach the site. You cannot delete your account either.
I say that ma can never reach it and the gmx refuses to delete it. 100% that I still can’t delete the account in a week and still can’t delete it in a month.
These are just subordinations of you…
If you know what the question is.
Well, there may be other ways to delete the account, so the question
Yes but I say it anyway